[Esip-agclimate] Polling on special time for next Tuesday (March 4)'s telecon

Bill Teng william.l.teng at nasa.gov
Thu Feb 27 15:54:13 EST 2014

Hi, All:

I've been communicating with some of the RDA (Research Data Alliance) 
people involved with agriculture and data (see 
http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Potential_collaborations) and trying 
to arrange for them to present on the two interest/working groups listed 
in the wiki page. Our monthly telecon time is now 3 pm ET, which would 
mean 9 pm Rome time for the RDA presentations. To make it easier for 
them, I'm thinking to change our telecon JUST for next Tuesday to 10 am 
ET. If we were to do that, how many of you would be able to participate? 
Please indicate your availability in 
http://www.doodle.com/xx5gyqsyz94bd7ku. Thanks.



* Bill Teng, Ph.D.                   |  William.L.Teng at nasa.gov        *
* Goddard Earth Sciences DISC        |  (301) 614-5164 (voice)         *
* (ADNET Systems, Inc.)              |  (301) 614-5268 (fax)           *
* NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   |  http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/     *
* Code 610.2                         |                                 *
* Greenbelt. MD. 20771  U.S.A.       |                                 *

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