[Esip-agclimate] REMINDER: Esip-agclimate Digest Telecon 2020-12-15 Telecton#79

Guz, Jackie JGuz at clarku.edu
Mon Dec 14 14:03:12 EST 2020

Hi ACC folks:

Reminder that tomorrow's scheduled call is on Tuesday 2020-12-15 @ 1500 hrs eastern.  Amir AghaKouchak from the  University of California, Irvine will be presenting a talk titled " Compound and Cascading Hazards: Modeling and Risk Assessment. Below I have included an abstract and a link to the meeting.


Ground-based observations and model simulations show substantial increases in extreme events including rainfall events, droughts, wildfires, hot spells and heatwaves. The first step toward improving our societal resilience is to identify the new patterns of climate extremes and natural hazards. This requires a better understanding of tempo-spatial characteristics of natural hazards and also the interactions between different hazards in a changing climate.  A combination of climate events (e.g., high temperatures and high humidity, or low precipitation and high temperatures) may cause a significant impact on the ecosystem and society, although individual events involved may not be severe extremes themselves – a notion known as compound event (e.g., extreme rain over burned areas, combined ocean and terrestrial flooding). Numerous studies have focused on how different types of extremes have changed or might change in the future. However, very few studies have investigated the changing risk of compound and cascading events. This presentation focuses on three different types of compound and cascading events including drought-heatwaves, sea level rise-terrestrial flooding, and meteorological-anthropogenic drought. We present different methodological frameworks and perspectives for detecting, modeling and risk assessment of compound and cascading events.

============ DETAILS FOR UPCOMING ACC MEETING ============

Date: 2020-12-15: 3rd Tuesday

Gotomeeting coordinates

·  Meeting link: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/534768669<https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__www.gotomeeting.com_join_534768669%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DApwzowJNAKKw3xye91w7BE1XMRKi2LN9kiMk5Csz9Zk%26r%3Dimg-rO8ZBhblrx41WBkIFetQkzEsdhT-s4UDDrJe0Xk%26m%3D2FA7zZ70XUdTTOLKPpZpyjdVbdZuyTrv8gJUpeT8RoY%26s%3DhOVyF9YegXrVa2oB3LYDhHZl9GS5KNoqRTWw56Zibm4%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cjguz%40clarku.edu%7C0921131d6a3d42286e7f08d84053fcaa%7Cb5b2263d68aa453eb972aa1421410f80%7C1%7C0%7C637330076760904094&sdata=8hedgFuG085%2FpWzddRdQlBCf9licujEnhbUa%2BAuXCIA%3D&reserved=0>

·  Or, dial in using your phone:

·  United States: +1 224-501-3412

·  Access code: 534-768-669

·  3:00 pm Eastern

·  2:00 pm Central

·  1:00 pm Mountain

·  12:00 pm Pacific

·  Meeting link: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/534768669<https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__www.gotomeeting.com_join_534768669%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DApwzowJNAKKw3xye91w7BE1XMRKi2LN9kiMk5Csz9Zk%26r%3Dimg-rO8ZBhblrx41WBkIFetQkzEsdhT-s4UDDrJe0Xk%26m%3D2FA7zZ70XUdTTOLKPpZpyjdVbdZuyTrv8gJUpeT8RoY%26s%3DhOVyF9YegXrVa2oB3LYDhHZl9GS5KNoqRTWw56Zibm4%26e%3D&data=02%7C01%7Cjguz%40clarku.edu%7C0921131d6a3d42286e7f08d84053fcaa%7Cb5b2263d68aa453eb972aa1421410f80%7C1%7C0%7C637330076760904094&sdata=8hedgFuG085%2FpWzddRdQlBCf9licujEnhbUa%2BAuXCIA%3D&reserved=0>

·  Or, dial in using your phone:

·  United States: +1 224-501-3412

·  Access code: 534-768-669

Hope to see you all there.



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