[Esip-disasters] FW: AGU Session: Helping Disasters Management through the Use of Remote Sensing Observational Data and their underlying Cyberinfrastructures

Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) via Esip-disasters esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Aug 1 19:18:33 EDT 2014

I hope that you will consider contributing abstracts to our AGU session…deadline approaching fast, August 6.

From: <Moe>, Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2014 7:52 PM
To: ESIP All <esip-all at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-all at lists.esipfed.org>>
Subject: AGU Session: Helping Disasters Management through the Use of Remote Sensing Observational Data and their underlying Cyberinfrastructures

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following session at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco on December 15-19, 2014. The session URL has a direct link to submit abstracts, which are due no later than midnight EDT, August 6.

Session URL: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm14/webprogrampreliminary/Session2452.html

Session Title: Helping Disasters Management through the Use of Remote Sensing Observational Data and their underlying Cyberinfrastructures

Session Description:
Remote sensing measurements enable science and our understanding of the Earth and are inherently useful for disaster management. Remote sensing data cannot prevent disasters, but dissemination of these acquired observations can help to minimize damages through prediction, mitigation, preparedness, warning, response and recovery. To support disaster management, it is essential to provide information in a timely manner that requires reliable and capable cyberinfrastructures. Many national and international organizations are working to coordinate the observations and cyberinfrastructures to support full disaster life cycle (e.g., GEOSS). This session seeks papers that describe disaster management challenges; ways remote sensing data can help disaster management and their use cases; as well as technologies and cyberinfrastructures supporting disaster management.
Conveners:Karen Moe, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Cheverly, MD, United States
Emily Law, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, Hook Hua, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States Sara J Graves, Univ. of Alabama/Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, United States

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