[Esip-disasters] FW: Update on plans for a disaster summit on earth observation data, systems and the Americas

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Thu May 25 14:17:59 EDT 2017

Hello ESIP Disasters cluster

We are looking at ways ESIP can respond to this request to participate in the disaster risk reduction and response activity, including the development of plans for the Sep 4-8 summit in Buenos Aires and follow up efforts.

Do ESIP members have relevant data sets or tools & services that might be contributed?
Are there activities with CEOS or GEOSS that might be leveraged?
Can we apply our expertise in developing use cases and evaluating products and processes in testbed scenarios?
Do you have ideas for how ESIP might support the summit?

Please join me for our regular Thursday telecom June 1st at 1pm PDT/4pm EDT to discuss this and our upcoming ESIP Summer Meeting sessions in July.


From: Esip-disasters <esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org>> on behalf of ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Reply-To: "GREEN, DAVID S. (HQ-DK000)" <david.s.green at nasa.gov<mailto:david.s.green at nasa.gov>>
Date: Monday, May 1, 2017 at 2:17 AM
To: "Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070)" <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>, ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>, Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>
Cc: "brucecaron at esipfed.org<mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org>" <brucecaron at esipfed.org<mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org>>, "foley.gary at epa.gov<mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov>" <foley.gary at epa.gov<mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov>>, "tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>" <tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>>, "kari.hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com>" <kari.hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com>>
Subject: [Esip-disasters] Update on plans for a disaster summit on earth observation data, systems and the Americas

All, at the recent ESIP meeting in January I described intent to host a disaster risk reduction and response summit this fall to look at earth observation data, products, systems and relevance specific to the Americas in Buens Aires week of Sept 3-8.  Attached is a “draft” outline to keep you in the loop. We are still pulling together the logistics, agendas, audience and format.  We expect senior managers and decision makers, practitioners, and related stakeholders relevant to the Americas (North and South, Latin including Caribbean….)  I would like a recommendation on how we might include representation from ESIP in the dialogues and in the exercise, planning or potentially sponsorship of activities NASA cannot support.  I am also looking at various individual groups meeting on the side and perhaps ESIP would have a suggestion where they might best engage regionally. There is a suggestion to have a private sector group and I know ESRI is interested as well as IBM, MS….. we are looking for other sector stakeholders.

We will likely be at the Intercontinental Hotel Buenos Aires, with potential side events. But meeting will include plenary to hear of contributing stakeholder groups (not individuals per se) up front, but then poster and breakout opportunities for different groups to work to advance issues and work plans. We will convene again around a table-top disaster scenario exercise that we will plan, sponsor and organize.  Outcomes include integrated workplans and partnerships.  Your interests in the regionalization and partnerships will be critical.  We don’t have the bandwidth to hear from each of you so I am asking if Karen and Dave  or Tom… or some subset of ESIP disaster group could collect input and let us know who might be a designated POC.  We will provide more details such as the agenda plans and hope to have a website up shortly.

David S. Green, PhD
Program Manager, Disasters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration/NASA-HQ
Science Mission Directorate/Earth Science Division/Applied Sciences Program
300 E Street SW, Mail Code 3V75, Washington DC 20546-0001

Office Phone:  +1.202.358.0032    Office Fax: +1.202.358.2770
Mobile Phone: +1.202.748.2875    E-mail:  David.S.Green at nasa.gov<mailto:David.S.Green at nasa.gov>

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