[Esip-documentation] Question on licensing of "Attribute Convention for Data Discovery 1.3" wiki page content

Martin Desruisseaux martin.desruisseaux at geomatys.com
Fri May 25 17:17:30 EDT 2018

Hello David

Le 25/05/2018 à 19:39, David Neufeld a écrit :

> Is the content being incorporated into Java docs? I guess it's not
> clear to me initially why the content needs to be copied, and putting
> aside legal questions, then it becomes potentially more of a
> synchronization issue.
It is not copied verbatim, precisely in the hope to reduce legal issue.
For example for the "title" attribute, ACDD said:

    A short phrase or sentence describing the dataset. In many discovery
    systems, the title will be displayed in the results list from a
    search, and therefore should be human readable and reasonable to
    display in a list of such names. This attribute is also recommended
    by the NetCDF Users Guide and the CF conventions.

The Javadoc of AttributeNames.TITLE
(the class where we define attribute names as "public static final
String" constants) said:

    The "title" attribute name for a short description of the dataset
    /(Highly Recommended)/. If no "title" attribute is provided, then
    Attribute­Names will look for "full_name" and "name".

All elements in that Javadoc is followed by a link to the corresponding
element in ACDD wiki page. But some users feel that, because the
documentation has been reworded, the semantic is not always the same.
They are aware of the links to the original ACDD pages, but feel that a
verbatim copy would be more convenient for them. This legal question is
for exploring the possibility to address their wish.



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