[Esip-drupal] Needs Some Help Importing Vocabulary Terms via RDF file

Ritrivi, Anthony J. (GSFC-610.2)[ADNET SYSTEMS INCORPORATE] anthony.j.ritrivi at nasa.gov
Fri Jun 15 17:48:39 EDT 2012

I'm trying to import an RDF file into Drupal to populate the terms of a taxonomy vocabulary.  I installed the "Taxonomy import/export via XML<http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_xml>" module for Drupal 7 and also installed ARC2<https://github.com/semsol/arc2/wiki> so the module could parse RDF files.  The "Taxonomy import/export via XML" module lets me browse to a locally stored RDF file to upload and lets me select the file format as RDF. The import appears to happen successfully since a get a progress bar and a message saying "Queued 9818 rows of data", however when I list the terms of my newly created vocabulary, its empty.

Has anyone used this module before and had any success? Is there another module or method I could use to get this to work?


Tony Ritrivi
Code 610.2

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