[Esip-drupal] Drupal WG events at Summer ESIP Meeting UPDATE

Bruce Caron bruce at tnms.org
Fri Jul 6 13:56:48 EDT 2012


Here is the schedule for the Drupal events (more details will be available
next week)

NOTE: the room has capabilities for dial-in participation... I'll get this
info to you as soon as I know it.



e_Science DrupalLab Unconference Afternoon  Pyle Center Room 227  1-5 PM

Bring your ideas and your questions...


e-Science dinner/beer fest (no-host dinner/ cash bar)   7 PM

at the Great Dane BrewPub downtown




e-Science DrupalLab  Pyle Center Room 227 8:30 - NOON

*Manil Maskey*

Developing Mobile Apps for Drupal

* *

One of the useful modules in Drupal is the service module that allows
different clients to efficiently interact with Drupal content. We will
demonstrate mobile app development using the service module. We will show
how mobile apps extend your capabilities within Drupal CMS.  We will also
discuss emerging technologies that make the mobile app development easier
for Drupal CMS.

*Christian Alarcan*

Topic to be announced

*Ajinkya Kulkarni*

Topic to be announced

*Erin Robinson*

ESIP Commons: Using Drupal as a Knowledge Capture and Re-Use Platform for
Organizational Memory

The objectives of the ESIP Commons are:

1. Provide a knowledge repository to formally capture and publish all the
information and knowledge generated as part of ESIP activities

2. Provide a citation mechanism to acknowledge individuals and groups that
generate new knowledge

3. Provide a publication medium for information that cannot be printed
elsewhere such as technical reports, use cases, education modules.

This demo will showcase the ESIP Commons and specifically drill down to
share how we are using the Commons for meeting artifact capture from
session ideas to full meeting proceedings.

SEE you in Madison!



Bruce Caron, PhD
New Media Studio
417 Samarkand Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805)966 1100
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