[Esip-drupal] April ESIP Drupal Working Group Telecon: Visualizing data feeds

Bruce Caron bruce at tnms.org
Wed Apr 3 12:56:09 EDT 2013

Hello ESIP Drupalistas,

NOTE: our telecon will be on April 24 2pm ET 11am PT!   We will continue to
have telecons on the 4th wednesday of the month.

We are really happy to have David Bassendine demoing at this call.

*Visualizing data feeds - opening up remote data with Drupal*

Raw data are hard to view, navigate and understand in context. In this
demo, we'll walk through setting up an automatic feed from a remote data
source, mapping the data into Drupal, then overlaying a dynamic JavaScript
front end. We'll quickly create a presentation layer for data that's
accessible and understandable for humans, not just machines.

We will also have a conversation about the Summer ESIP Drupal-lab in July.

MORE call info later in the month!
AND again, here is the video from last month's call [Josh Koenig on



Bruce Caron, PhD
New Media Studio
417 Samarkand Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
(805)966 1100
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