[Esip-drupal] Next telecon - Wed 1/27

Adam Shepherd ashepherd at whoi.edu
Thu Jan 21 16:09:12 EST 2016

	Hello fellow Drupalistas, 

Welcome to 2016! I wanted to remind everyone that our next telecon will be next Wednesday the 27th at 3pm ET / noon Pacific and we will be hosting Nancy Hoebelheinrich who will be sharing her project's idea for a Data Management Training Clearinghouse on the ESIP website. We will learn about the project's requirements and challenges to help provide Drupal guidance for how this may work on the ESIP website.

Also, if you haven't seen the announcement on the ESIP Slack #drupal channel (you can join here: http://esipfed.org/ESIPSlack), the budget request submitted to the ESIP Finance committee was approved which means, right now, you can:

Win a trip to DrupalCon New Orleans (May 9-13)
2 ESIP members selected in a random drawing for $1,500 of support
Deadline: February 22nd @ 11:59 ET
Details: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupalcon_2016_NOLA

Win Support to Attend Local Drupal Camp
5 ESIP members first come, first served for $300 of support
Details: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Drupal_Camps_2016

Talk to you all next week, and as usual cal details are below in the email signature.

best, Adam

ESIP Drupal Working Group
Co-Chair: David Bassendine                      david at bluedotlab.org
Co-Chair: Adam Shepherd 	                       ashepherd at whoi.edu

The Working Group gathers for monthly Telecons on 
the 4th Wednesday of every month at noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern
   Computer Access:
     - Go to https://esipfed.webex.com
     - From "Meeting Center" > select "Drupal Telecon" meeting
     - Password: 23136782
    - or - 
   Phone Access:
     - Toll-free (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493

Drupal.org Group: https://groups.drupal.org/science-on-drupal
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScienceOnDrupal
YouTube: goo.gl/B0t57T
Google+: http://goo.gl/w4KBJY

Mailing List: esip-drupal at lists.esipfed.org 

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