[Esip-drupal] Drupalcon BoF 2:15 CT and Office Hours 2-4pm ET tomorrow

David Bassendine david at bluedotlab.org
Tue May 10 15:58:10 EDT 2016

Hi ESIP Drupalists,

Join us for our annual DrupalCon BoF, or online at Office Hours, to discuss
how Drupal and science can work together! We'll meet tomorrow 5/11 at:

   - *Drupalcon BoF
   @2:15pm CT *- join Adam in room 288, more at

   - *Office Hours @2-4pm ET* - drop in online at
   https://scienceondrupal.slack.com. We'll be open for chat and contrib
   work, and will join the BoF
   participants when it starts at 3:15 ET (2:15 CT). To sign up, go to
   https://slackinvite.me/to/scienceondrupal or email davidATbluedotlab.org
   or ashepherdATwhoi.edu.

We'll follow up on existing projects and issues being tracked on our
https://trello.com/b/QX23p1bp (Trello board). Bring along your ideas and
problems and we'll take a look!

See you there! David and Adam
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