[Esip-envirosensing] Reminder: Envirosensing telecon, Tuesday, October 3

Matthew Bartos mdbartos at umich.edu
Tue Oct 3 05:18:20 EDT 2017

Dear EnviroSensors,

The EnviroSensing Cluster is having their next telecon today, *Tuesday*,
October 3rd, at 2:00pm Pacific/5:00pm Eastern. In this special session, we
are going to propose/plan for our group's topical emphasis over the next
couple of years. We feel pretty good about the state of the "Best
Practices" (although feel free to continue with updates and contributions
to that!), and we've spent a couple of years looking at solutions towards
interoperability (XDOMES, guest presentations and engagement from CHORDS,
NEON, smart water networks, etc.).

We in the Cluster leadership team feel like it is time to perhaps focus our
group emphasis on Software Tools for sensor networks - that is, continuing
the review of what is emerging or already out there, as well as How To
Integrate Software Tools in the near future. There is a discussion to be
had around developing either a loose (community) or else very deliberate
(single project, with community input) software framework. Or both! Scotty
is working on a software frameworks proposal to NSF-CI, that would seek to
ease near-end-to-end data manager workflow while staying platform
independent, and many folks in the Cluster have already developed fairly
mature software tools that fulfill various functions of sensor data

We invite those of you who are interested or feel strongly about this topic
(sensor software tools & frameworks) to weigh in and discuss the current
gaps, needs, or lack thereof for anybody seeking to set up a sensor network
(of any type or scale) from the ground-up (or, re-tool a current management
structure). We are thinking of the workflow and tools for data and metadata
from the generation of a data file through to a pre-analysis curation

If we get enough Cluster interest in this topic, we will take it forward as
our emphasis within the ESIP community for the next couple of years.
Hopefully many of you agree that this is a timely dialogue and that you
would also benefit strongly from participating and/or digesting the
results. We envision many small-to-large cooperative projects emerging from
our dialogue over time, within ESIP, EarthCube, and NSF in general (or
elsewhere!). So, we look forward to seeing you on the call!

*Telecon Info:*

To join, go to https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/895837693

You can also dial in using your phone: 646-749-3122 <(646)%20749-3122>;
access code 895-837-693

*Agenda for October 3 2017 (times in EST):*

5:00 - Meeting start / Introduction.

5:05 - Discussion: cluster goals for the next year

Hope to see you all there!


Scotty, Janet, Don, and Matt
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