[Esip-envirosensing] EnviroSensing Cluster Meeting TODAY at 5pm Eastern/ 4pm Central / 2pm Pacific

Pignatelli, Anthony PIGNATEA at email.sc.edu
Tue Feb 6 12:43:52 EST 2024

Hello EnviroSensors,

The next cluster meeting will be TODAY at 5:00pm EST/2pm PST

We welcome Pete Marchetto from Conservify and Fieldkit to our next meeting in February: Tuesday Feb 6th at 5:00 pm EST (2:00 pm PST).

Pete will be presenting a talk entitled: “How Can I Trust Anything? Transfer Functions, Calibration, and the Art of Uncertainty”. How can one trust a measurement? How can you compare data from two different environmental sensing systems that are halfway across the globe from each other? Worse still, how can you trust a comparison made between two systems measuring the same thing in two different ways? In this talk, we’ll cover calibration, traceability, punk rock, heavy metal, and the closed form solution to the critical density spatial sensor distribution problem (spoiler: there is none)!

Pete Marchetto is the Research Engineer and Instrumentation Scientist at FieldKit<http://fieldkit.org/>, an Adjunct Instructor in Electronics at SUNY Sullivan<https://sunysullivan.edu/>, a member of the Graduate Faculty in Engineering at UMN Duluth<https://www.d.umn.edu/>, and a refugee from Academia. He was previously co-director of the Instrumentation Laboratory in the Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering<http://bbe.umn.edu/> at UMN, and got his chops (and graduate degrees) doing instrumentation work in the Bioacoustics Research Program<https://www.birds.cornell.edu/ccb/> and Soil and Water Lab<https://onp288.wixsite.com/soilandwaterlab> at Cornell.

Additionally, we are excited to introduce a new series of Cluster build sessions with an ‘open box’ session where we will explore kit components and functionality. Remember to request your free Workshop loaner kit! https://bit.ly/EnviroSensing24WS

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 852 3787 3060

Passcode: 534639

Warm regards,

Anthony, Joe, Dan, and James

Thank you Jake, Martha, Scotty!

Anthony J. Pignatelli, M.S.
Doctoral Researcher | Dallas Lab
ESIP Community Fellow | Envirosensing Cluster
Department of Biological Sciences
University of South Carolina
Email: pignatea at email.sc.edu
Office: Earth & Water Science Building 601
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