RW Pickle randy at
Thu Jan 20 19:41:51 EST 2005

I wanted to tell everyone that from time to time it will be necessary for
everyone to know something relative to the new list server. When that
becomes necessary, you will see the subject line of the email include 
ADMIN in caps and and will be info that everyone should read (as it will
pretain to the list server administration or a particular problem or
solution). If I can help educate you the users, it will make my job on the
admin end of the server, easier. And that's good!

For example, this message is about html and attachments. You will not be
able to include ANY html or attachments in your posts to the list server.
It wil wipe any html or attachment out  your post (and everything in
between the html code which would be your message). So if you create an
email message in html format and post it, the viewers of that post will
only see the subject and who sent it. The message will not be included
(nor the attachment). So depending on what the subject of the post is, it
may be confusing to others as to what is going on.

For example, on our list server (same set up as INC's), a neighbor posted
a message in html format with the subject being "rape in the park". This
would not have created the problem that it did had her message not been in
html format. But since it was and no one could see her message, the
subject was all anyone had to understand the post by. Her message was
about the contractor cutting down all of the trees along the creek during
the Third Fork Creek Stream Restoration and had nothing to do at all with
the sexual act of a rape in the park. But it sent an alarm through the
community because the subject was all anyone was able to see (since her
message was in html format and was tossed by the list server). So you
begin to see how important this might be. So just remember, no html
because it will get tossed (as will attachments). You can use web
addresses to steer people somewhere (like,
but you can't use the html language that the page is built by. It will not
appear in your post.

Randy Pickle
Forest Hills
defacto list server admin

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