INC NEWS - Fw: Resending: PSN Community Response to Homicide at 322 Junction Road - Tuesday, March 14

Rev. Melvin Whitley tellmelvin at
Tue Mar 14 11:16:38 EST 2006

Dear Community Leaders,
I must be at my wife birthday party today at 6:00 p.m.. Please read the e-mail below and respond. I believe that this is an action that will send a message that we as a community will respond to gun violent. Please join Project Safe Neighborhood in responding to a scentless killing. Please note that the person that kill this young man probably had no legal right to own a hand gun and the legal right to purchase the bullet. We allow criminal the right to go into gun stores and buy bullets legally. It is the bullet that killing our children. Please help us to close that loophole. Again, I want to be with you and my wife at the same time (smile). Please help with turnout, this is important to me.

Your Servant
Rev. Melvin Whitley
2614 Harvard Ave
Durham NC  27703
(919) 596-9691 - Home
(919) 308-2844 - Cell
tellmelvin at 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Faggart, Robert 
To: Alisa.D.Huffman at ; Alvis Aikens ; aelliott at ; Anna.S.Wagoner at ; Ashley E. Cannon ; Bjurstrom, Jim ; Blake, Norman ; Brenda Condran (Brenda Condran) ; Brown, James ; southernc at ; Chalmers, Steve ; mccor019 at ; Coach D ; Council, Beverly ; craig.b.brown at ; David Harris ; dwiner at ; Dominique Conteh ; Donnie.Phillips at ; Evans, Jennifer ; evelyn.scott at ; Faggart, Robert ; wflaisure at ; Gilyard, Yvonne ; Grace Marsh ; Greg Brown ; Gudrun Parme ; hchestnut at ; Hayes, Maurice ; Ingram, Marcia ; Isaacs, Larry ; jross at ; Judge Elaine Bushfan ; Katherine O'Brien (Katherine O'Brien) ; diluca at ; lsimpson at ; Lynwood Best ; Marcia Owen (Marcia Owen) ; m.trustin at ; McCullough, Cynthia ; Melvin Whitley (Melvin Whitley) ; Michael Nifong ; Natisha McKoy (Natisha McKoy) ; Newman Aguiar (Newman Aguiar) ; Newton, Scott ; Oberle, Kimberly ; Pam Snipes ; Pattie Cloninger ; Reginald Johnson ; rcmj at ; Rorobinson at ; Rob.Lang at ; Roth, David ; Russ, Lee ; Sabrina Cates ; sheila.g.eason at ; Taylor, Lamont ; Taylor, Morris ; theresa.wahome at ; Thomas Poole ; Tina.Ingram at ; ccrabtree at 
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:24 AM
Subject: Resending: PSN Community Response to Homicide at 322 Junction Road - Tuesday, March 14

Several people said they didn't receive this first email, so I'm resending it to the committee. I apologize if you get this twice.

The Durham Police Department will conduct a Project Safe Neighborhoods Community Response on Tuesday, March 14. The Response is being held in reference to a homicide at 322 Junction Road. The Response will cover the Bentwood Park Apartment Complex area. We are requesting as much support as possible from our community and agency partners for this Response. 

The Response briefing is scheduled to be held at 322 Junction Road at 5:30 p.m. The Response will begin immediately after the briefing and is expected to last approximately one hour.
Members of the community and our partner agencies are invited to take part in the response. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to let me know if you, or representatives of your agency, will participate. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Rob Faggart
Project Safe Neighborhoods Coordinator
Durham Police Department
505 W. Chapel Hill St.
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 560-4322 x240
Pager: (919) 517-3130
Fax: (919) 560-4899
E-mail: robert.faggart at

What is a Community Response?

The Community Response to Violent Acts is a strategy utilized for violent incidents or any crimes likely to have a retaliation effect among those involved. The Response consists of a door-to-door canvassing of the neighborhood(s) where the crime occurred, the victim(s) live(d), and/or the suspect/arrestee lives(d). Conducted by the Durham Police Department, partnering agencies and organizations, clergy, and concerned citizens, the canvass is designed to have a four-fold effect:

a. To develop investigative leads in the case by asking neighbors to come forward with information that may assist investigators in solving and prosecuting the case;

b. To provide information to the community about the violent act that occurred and to reassure them that law enforcement is doing everything it can to solve the case and protect the citizens of the community;

c. To support the involved community in its efforts to recover from the violent act by letting the community know that law enforcement cares and is there to prevent future acts of violence or retaliation, and;

d. To visibly demonstrate the Project Safe Neighborhoods partnership by having law enforcement and community representatives conducting the Response.

Partners will be notified via e-mail of the time, date, location, and reason for a Response when one has been scheduled. Participants will convene at the Response site, where the Response coordinator will conduct a short briefing and responders will sign in. Participants will then be divided into teams; each team will consist of both community members and law enforcement officers. The teams will disperse to assigned sections of the neighborhood, handing out flyers door-to-door and talking with residents about the violent incident that precipitated the response, as well as any other concerns the residents may have. Once the canvass is complete, responders will reconvene, participate in a short debriefing if necessary, and sign out. Most responses should last no more than one hour.

Rob Faggart
Project Safe Neighborhoods Coordinator
Durham Police Department
Phone: (919) 560-4322 x240
Pager: (919) 517-3130
Fax: (919) 560-4899
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