INC NEWS - Stop the sell of crack pipes in Durham

Rev. Melvin Whitley tellmelvin at
Tue Aug 15 08:11:39 EDT 2006

Dear Community Leaders,

    On August 10th, 2006 , nine members of Operation Pipe Dream fanned out in the Durham, to communities stores to buy a rose in a glass pipe. We were able to buy 18 pipes from 18 stores. These communities stores buy the glass pipes at $0.18 cents and sell them at $3.25 dollar each. Is it a pipe dream to ask stores to stop making money off of people misery?  This initiative is call Durham Operation Pipe Dream.
    On Friday we will return to those store with a letter from Durham Operation Pipe Dream asking all Community Stores to stop selling bud vases, glass pipes. Nine out of 31 store indemnify to date have stop selling the glass pipe. We realize that the sale of glass pipes could be considered as legal, it is well known by law enforcement officials that these pipes are modified for drug use, in particular the pipe street name "rose in a glass". I believe people selling drug paraphernalia are in essence no different than the drug dealers. They are as much a part of drug trafficking, as gun silencers are a part of homicide. They throw a stone and hide their hands. All of these stores were in high crime area. 
    Last night A New East Durham Community voted to declare glass pipes call (rose in a glass) as pipes drug paraphernalia. Drug paraphernalia is any legitimate equipment, product, or material that is modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine. This is not a East Durham problem, it's a Durham problem. We need your help. Please ask groups and Organization to declare glass pipes call (rose in a glass) pipes drug paraphernalia. When we have the support, please join us in going before the Durham City Council to ask for a ban of sales these glass pipe in Durham. 
    I have put in the attachment a picture of a pipes, What addiction look like in Durham, and Letter to stores. Is it a pipe dream to ask stores to stop making money off of people misery? 

Your Servant
Rev. Melvin Whitley
2614 Harvard Ave
Durham NC  27703
(919) 596-9691 - Home
(919) 308-2844 - Cell
tellmelvin at 
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