INC NEWS - new website for change:

RW Pickle randy at
Wed Nov 8 01:09:18 EST 2006

For those who know me, you'll understand why waking up at 8 in the morning
was so strange. But it was a dream I was having where different size WHY's
were just popping up everywhere. There were no characters in the dream,
just WHY. It woke me right out of a dead sleep. So I spent the rest of the
day thinking about what had interrupted my sleep and a couple of days
later started on this project.

This was about 2 weeks ago and now the answer to that dream has made its
way to the web. It's a new project that I hope you'll pass along to your
neighborhood list servers so everyone across the City can get involved.
It's really about changing this City for the good. It's the redWHY
campaign for a change in the City we call home. I wanted to wait until the
election was over so folks wouldn't think it was some sort of political
thing. I'm thinking of it as a neighborly thing.

I woke up because I had gone to bed thinking about all the stuff I see in
my little window of the world over here and how the systems we have come
to live with are broken. Today for example, my 4 yard waste containers sit
at the curb for yet another day. In a one week period after this dream,
time after time I had nothing but problems I saw with services,
facilities, and generally every department in the City was to blame. So
that has led to this new web project; It may end up being
people who aren't held responsible for the work they are supposed to do.
It's hard to know right now. But if this thing works, it shouldn't take
long to find out. And perhaps if our collective voice is loud enough,
we'll quit promoting the people with bad decision making abilities and get
some new folks in here that can think. We are the 94th largest City in the
USA. We deserve better. We're paying for peanuts and we're only getting
the shells. It's time for a change.

If you visit the site, you can read about it all and how I need your help
to make it work. I'm tired of all this broken stuff. We pay some of the
highest taxes in the State and deserve better. I hope will get
it rolling. I know the email isn't functional at the sending of this post.
But it should be up and running later in the day. It's a work in progress
and with your help, it'll grow. Help me make it work because I know you
wonder WHY as well.

27 Beverly

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