INC NEWS - DPS vote to request/accept 6.6 million: clarification

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Sun Feb 10 20:42:06 EST 2008

I mentioned in my e-mail (Friday night) to the INC
listserve that the school board unanimously supported
action to ask the County Commissioners for $6.6

Just wanted to clarify that I have since been informed
that this money actually won't go to hiring more
teachers for S. Durham Schools. $3.95 million will be
added to current funds to secure land for south Durham
schools and the rest will go to support a budget
increase in the Holton School project.

The county approved issuing these bonds last Monday
and the school board voted Thursday at the public
hearing to accept them. Here's an N&O story that tells
more detail about the bonds approved last week.

So, though DPS definitely needs these funds, it looks
like they've already been approved and the DPS vote
was more of a formality.

That said, we desperately need even more funding for
our overcrowded schools, particularly for more staff
and teaching resources right now -- South (and North,
from what I understand) Durham teachers are hard
pressed, and it's only getting tougher on them as the
schools get more and more over capacity.

It is clear that I believe that Durham development
approvals in this area should be put on hold until the
schools at least catch up to their CURRENT enrollment.

Just wanted to ensure I corrected any misinformation
out there.


Melissa Rooney, Ph.D.
Fairfield Community Awareness, 
Communications and INC representative

Durham, NC 27713
mmr121570 at

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