INC NEWS - Turnage Heights/Industrial Warehouse Fight (LM)

Will Robinson mrwillrobinson at
Fri Feb 22 10:04:05 EST 2008

Hi Durham Neighbors,
     For those of you who have been following the
Turnage Heights Neighborhood/Warehouse controversy, we
want to update you and ask for your support at our
Board of Adjustments hearing this coming Tuesday.
     Concerned neighbors spoke with City Council on
Feb. 7 and asked them to have the industrial warehouse
shell removed based on 1) D&L's self-admitted
misrepresentation on its permit application and 2)
City Planning's decision (self-admitted also) to
ignore certain aspects of the UDO when permitting for
Commercial Neighborhood (CN) Districts.
     The City's attorney advised City Council not to
respond or ask questions following our presentation,
given the "quasi-judicial" nature of our case.  We
were very disappointed by this non-response as it
sends the wrong message to:
1.Commercial one will hold you
accountable for what you say on your application
2.City Planning...feel free to cherry-pick the
Ordinance to suit your purposes; and
3.Durham're on your own to fend for the
viability of your neighborhoods

That being said, now for a Piece of Positive News: We
understand that your efforts have, at a minimum,
helped convince City Council to beginning working with
the County Commissioners to amend significant portions
of the UDO's CN District guidelines. (Our ward rep.
Mike Woodard has been instrumental in this.)  It
doesn't do much to make the industrial warehouse
disappear from our neighborhood but hopefully it will
have positive impact on Durham neighborhoods for years
to come! Of course, we need to be ever mindful that
the proposed changes are not "vetoed" at the eleventh

Finally, we're now on the home stretch with our
appeal!  It will be heard next week at the Board of
Adjustment meeting next Tuesday, February 26 at
know that the 8:30am time is not very convenient for
normal workday-hours folks, but it is really really
important that we provide a show of strong support to
protect Durham neighborhoods.  We have a really good
case and we've received so much support from so many
folks all over Durham. It's been really amazing.  Now
we just need to make sure that the Board of Adjustment
knows, by your presence at this meeting, just how
unpopular Durham's citizens find ill-advised,
mis-representative, careless, anti-neighborhood
city-planning/development decisions.

So - if there is any way you can make this meeting,
PLEASE COME.    It should not be a long meeting and we
expect our case to be heard quickly.   Here's the

Board of Adjustment Meeting
Tuesday, February 26
Committee Room on the second floor of 101 City Hall
Plaza (though apparently the room might get moved, so
ask at the desk when you arrive)

Will and Fellow Neighbors at Turnage Heights

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