INC NEWS - Coalition to Unchain Dogs Yard Sale

amanda arrington ssnss4 at
Thu Apr 10 12:10:41 EDT 2008

Please crosspost and send to neighborhood listservs.
  The Coalition to Unchain Dogs will have our 2nd annual yard sale this Saturday at 807 W Chapel Hill Street (the parking lot of Healthy Start Academy) from 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. Please come by to shop for a good cause - we will have furniture, electronics, tools, clothing and lots of great miscellaneous!!

"Look deep into the eyes of any animal, and then for a moment, trade places, their life becomes as precious as yours and you become as vulnerable as them. Now smile if you believe all animals deserve our respect and our protection, for in a way, they are us, and we are them." - Philip Ochoa 

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