INC NEWS - Another Bad idea on Speeding up Zoning

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Thu Sep 4 22:13:29 EDT 2008

Below is the letter/email I sent to the JCCPC. I hope that you all will also express your concerns:

Diane.Catotti at, Cora.Cole-McFadden at, bmheron at, Mike.Woodard at, ereckhow at, lcheek at, gabrine013 at, Steve.Medlin at

Thanks! Melissa (Rooney)


I understand that the mayor is pushing the JCCPC to pass a change in our zoning procedure to allow votes on rezonings before the NCDOT has reviewed the submission. Considering the current heavy workload of our planning department (including rezonings currently in the pipeline), and the need for environmental revision of the UDO in light of Durham's impaired waters and required compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act, I have to wonder what would prompt the Mayor's request.

Speeding up rezoning votes in this manner would be a terrible mistake.  As you know, traffic considerations and road infrastructure play a large role in the decision-making process. In addition, neighborhood meetings on rezonings usually are based on conceptual information, which contains little to no traffic research, and truly committed elements are often not communicated even at rezoning public hearings. 

As stated so succinctly by fellow Durham citizen Steve Bocckino, the proposed change would:

1)  prevent elected officials from inquiring about potential proffers 
by the developer

2) preclude neighborhoods from seeing the traffic implications of the 
proposal in the context of the area

3) and most importantly, add tremendous value to land parcels via 
upzoning when NCDOT objections may preclude them from ever being 
built.  Paper rezonings can markedly distort development patterns---
witness south Durham.

It's time for Durham to take the necessary time to really understand and shape the future impact of development.

Thanks, as always, for your sincere consideration of this serious issue...


Melissa Rooney...

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