INC NEWS - DRAFT Minutes - September

Deanna Crossman deanna at
Wed Sep 24 08:11:02 EDT 2008

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
August 26, 2008, 7pm
Herald-Sun Building (2828 Pickett Rd)

Deanna Crossman  Walltown
David Harris  Old Farm
Cathy Abernathy  Hope Valley
Janet Hitti  Parkwood
Rev Melvin Whitley  YE Smith
Cheryl Shiflett  Northgate Park
Mike Shiflett  Northgate Park
Carolyn Kreuger  Trinity Park / Kids Voting
Bob Chapman  Lanier Evans
Tom Bonfield  Durham City Manager
Bill Anderson  Duke Park
MIke Woodard  Watts-Hillandale
Josie McNeil  Friends of West Point Park
Dave Owen  Lockhaven Hills
Janet Warner  Friends of West Point Park
Shel Anderson  Schoolhouse of Wonder
Robin Jacobs  Eno River Association
Rosemarie Kitchin  Falconbridge
N Gallman  Old West Durham
Rhonda Parker  DPR
Beth Timson  DPR
Myers Sugg  Tuscaloosa Lakewood
Tom Miller Watts-Hospital Hillandale
Ken Gasch  Colonial Village
DeDreana Freeman  Golden Belt
Antoine Freeman  Golden Belt

Welcome and Introductions 7:10pm


Election Nominations
President: Craigie Sanders
President-Elect: Colin Crossman
Treasurer: Myers Sugg
Secretary: Leslie Page
At Large: Rosemarie Kitchin, Amanda Arrington, Bill Anderson
Past President: Ken Gasch

Motion to close nominations - Mike Shiflett.  Motion Carried.


Motion to approve August minutes - Mike Shiflett.  Motion Carried.

Motion to add Prepared Meals Tax presentation to agenda - Shiflett.
Motion Carried.

Treasurer's report - Needs assistance sending out dues letters.
Recommended he talk to DCVB and Planning for proper neighborhood

Congratulations to Amanda Arrington, et al for the passage of the Tethering Ban!

Neighborhood Hero Awards - heroes will be presented at the next Exec
Board Mtg.  Time, date, and location to be determined.  Thanks to all
the neighborhoods who submitted nominations!


Kids Voting - Carolyn Kreuger
Talked about what characteristics make a good citizen.  Instilling
those ideals comes long before a person reaches 18 years old, and is
formed by actions of adults around them.

A great way to get kids excited about voting is to have them vote,
too!  The results of the kids voting election are even published in
the paper the next days.  Their goal is to have a Kids Voting booth at
every precinct.  They can always use more volunteers to help set up or
man a booth in 2 hour shifts.  Their goal this year is to have a booth
at every precinct.  Even if your precinct doesn't have a booth this
year, you can take your children to any precinct to vote.

If you're interested in volunteering, there is a 45min training
session and there are several between now and election day.  If more
information, contact Carolyn at info at or

Prepared Meals Tax - Rev Melvin Whitley
This is not a tax on food from the grocery store.  It is a 1% tax
levied on prepared meals, the profits go toward making Durham a
special place.

We need more recreation centers.  The Raleigh convention center was
paid for with their meals tax (have you eaten in Raleigh?  You helped
pay for it).  Like to call it A Taste For Durham's Future.

The tax will relieve some of the pressure on the general fund,
delaying the need for another property tax increase.

Forum on fate of West Point Park

To educate us on the process / options regarding 60 acres south of
West Point Park known as the Black Meadow Ridge Tract.
Representatives of Friends of West Point Park (FOWPP) and Eno River
Association here to discuss, as well as Parks and Rec, Mike Woodard,
and Tom Bonfield.

There are two issues at hand: how to protect Black Meadow Ridge (BMR),
and who will own West Point Park.  Eno River Assoc wants to preserve
BMR, but takes no position on who owns West Point Park, as they feel
both the city and state do a good job with their parks.  FOWPP are
working to facilitate the purchase of the land by the State Parks
system, as there is currently no funds in the city budget for such a
purchase.  The catch is that they require the city transfer ownership
of WPP to the State to tie it all in to the Eno River State Park

The State Parks rep and owner have sat down to discuss recent
appraisals and it is said that they have a tentative mutual agreement
as to the value of the land and that if possible, the owner would like
to see the land bought for preservation.


Claim there isn't any money in the State budget either?  Reps say the
money will come from the Parks and Rec Trust Fund, and that there are
funds available this fiscal year ('08-'09), affirmed by Paul Leubke
and State Parks rep.  In reality, this is a competitive application
process, so the funds aren't guaranteed.

Is the State's position that it won't buy BMR without the transfer of
WPP?  Yes, they don't want to have a satellite plot of 60 acres.  WPP
would join BMR to the Eno River State Park.

There are other avenues to pursue the money for purchase - another
state agency (such as the Department of Cultural Resources) could
apply for the funds to purchase the land, then lease it to the city
for a nominal fee.  Has anyone talked to the Secretary of Cultural
Resources?  No.  The talks with the state park have been ongoing for 1
year.  The city has not really commented on their desire or
willingness to take on management of more land, nor their willingness
to transfer it to the state park system.

Is the city willing to work with state agencies to pursue alternative
sources of funding, in order to maintain control of WPP?  Tom Bonfield
says yes.

It's important to point out the growing concerns and regulations
around nitrogen contamination of streams, run-off, etc... Eno River
will be used to fill Teer Quarry.

Politics change and a previous governor of NC proposed selling a lot
of state park land.  The land is more secure in the hands of the city
(where we as citizens have more influence) than with the state.

The city must rezone the property.  Regardless of the fate of WPP,
which will likely take longer, the property must be rezoned, as it
currently has no zoning, and this is scheduled to happen on December
9th.  The current proposed rezoning is RS-10, which allows 4 units per
acre.  The other possibility is RS-20 which would allow 2 units per
acre.  The third option is that the owner volunteers to submit a
development plan, in which there are committed elements, but that has
not happened.  Once it's rezoned, the developer could build at any

Neighbors are asked to discuss this issue, and the proposed resolution
(below) with their neighborhood associations.  The resolution will be
discussed, and there is the possibility that more suggestions for
possible purchase solutions be added to the resolution at the next
meeting.  Please give your INC representative the authority to vote on
the resolution with minor modifications, as time is of the essence.

More information on the funds is available through the Department of
Environmental and Natural Resources (the Natural Heritage Trust Fund).

Motion to Adjourn 8:55pm.

A Resolution Supporting the Friends of West Point Park

WHEREAS, the West Point on the Eno Park provides a unique and positive
experience to the people of Durham, and

WHEREAS a 60-acre tract neighboring the park known as the Black Meadow
Ridge overlooks the park and may be the subject of development, and

WHEREAS, the West Point on the Eno Park will be significantly harmed
unless the Black Meadow Ridge is protected from development, and

WHEREAS the state of North Carolina has expressed interest in
acquiring the West Point Park and the Black Meadow Ridge tract for
incorporation into the Eno River State Park,

IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Interneighborhood Council urge the
City of Durham take all necessary steps to purchase, or cause to be
purchased, the Black Meadow Ridge Tract; that, if the State Park
System's offer is the only means with which to preserve the Tract,
such offer be seriously considered, such that preservation of the
tract is achieved while maintaining flexibility within the park for
Durham residents; and that the Interneighborhood Council express
support for the Friends of West Point Park.

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