[Durham INC] Loud Whine with Cheese and Wine

Ken Gasch Ken at KenGasch.com
Fri Jun 17 06:24:39 EDT 2011

Councilman Woodard,

My entourage and I went to get some cheese at the new cheese store that
opened yesterday.  My kids and I shared several jokes with
the proprietor about "cutting the cheese".  The store is wonderful.

On the way home, we stopped in that gorgeous little circle behind city hall
to enjoy our cheese.  The fountain, paths and plantings are wonderful.

One thing distracts from the enjoyment of this circle and the surrounding
area, though.  There is a fenced area behind city hall that
contains mechanical equipment.  The equipment is emitting a loud whine that
is audible blocks away.

In the early 90's, I worked as a mechanical design engineer.  I have been
involved in the design and construction of large heating and cooling plants
for churches, hospitals and universities.  There is no reason why
this equipment should be this loud.  The whine is loud enough for OSHA to
require hearing protection. A whine this loud should not be emanating at
street level and definitely not from our city hall.

Please let me know who to direct this concern to.


REALTOR, Seagroves Realty
Contractor, TurnLight Partners, Ltd.

C: 919.475.8866
F: 866.229.4267

www.KenGasch.com <http://www.kengasch.com/>

Follow my latest restoration at http://wheelerhouse.blogspot.com/
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