[Durham INC] INC Resolutions and Abstentions

John Martin bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 29 11:09:08 EDT 2011

This doesn't seem to have gone through.  If you get it twice, I apologize--JM
Hi Darius,
Sure.  We had three resolutions on the agenda:  transit tax, education tax, and open spaces.  When we began voting on the first one, we realized that seven or eight neighborhoods were abstaining because their neighborhood associations had not yet taken a position on the resolutions or had declined to take a position.  This meant that (I think) about eight neighborhoods were in favor of the resolution, none opposed, and seven abstained.  Under the current bylaws, we need 2/3 of the delegates "assembled" (present) to pass the resolution.  Out of fifteen neighborhoods, that would mean 10 would have to vote in favor, and only eight did.  So the resolution could not pass.
My proposal would not count the abstentions as among those voting.
I hope this helps.

--- On Thu, 9/29/11, Darius Mercedes Little <Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu> wrote:

From: Darius Mercedes Little <Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu>
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] INC Resolutions & Abstentions
To: "John Martin" <bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com>, inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.orginc-list at durhaminc.org
Date: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 9:58 AM


It seems to me that the term "assembled" already implies those whom are present at the point of discussion.  

Can you lay a little background (as to the factual basis of this discussion) for those of us who had other commitments on this past Tuesday?



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