[Durham INC] Council Mulls Possible Grant for DHA Project

Darius Mercedes Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Fri Oct 7 10:56:53 EDT 2011

My thoughts:  how about renovating/upgrading existing properties which are an embarrassment to the city, rather than "building new rentals."

We've constantly heard of the value of neighborhood  preservation, yet it seems we're building anew at every opportunity possible.

"Affordable Housing" has become the new fad in Durham - and everyone is benefiting from it except individuals who are actually, almost homeless, or will never be a candidate for home ownership in their current circumstance.

These organizations should strongly consider engaging in acts which directly address our growing disparities of homelessness and home ownership.  This would entail: increasing the restoration of already-existing properties which could be used for rentals, in coalition with other City/County supported entities which will help the residents develop saving habits that will lead to home ownership; not having this continuous cycle of lifetime renters.

I don't support anything that doesn't fix-up some of the dilapidated properties already in existence in Northeast Central Durham.

- Darius Little


Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
Manta Business Profile/Report: 

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From: John Martin <bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com>
Sender: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 07:45:38 
To: <Golden-Belt at googlegroups.com>; <oldeastdurham at googlegroups.com>; <pac1 at yahoogroups.com>; <inc-list at durhaminc.org>
Subject: [Durham INC] Council Mulls Possible Grant for DHA Project

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