[Durham INC] Billboards give-away averted (for now)

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 18 19:52:57 EDT 2014

This is from the Sierra Club newsletter today:
Breaking News on Billboards!Please thank Rep. Becky Carney (D-Mecklenburg) for just this morning successfully amending a regulatory reform bill that is moving at the speed of light through the House. Her successhul amendment rebukes a newly proposed set of giveaways to the billboard industry.

The provisions in S 493, which has morphed into the 2014 Regulatory Reform Act, would have given the billboard industry new concessions for tree-removals on exit ramps.  It would also have required any city or county to allow a billboard to be rebuilt, even if it no longer conforms with current requirements.  Please take a moment to thank Rep. Carney for efforts to block another giveaway to the billboard industry. 		 	   		  
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