[Durham INC] Considering INC's internet resolution

dolly fehrenbacher iam4truth at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 22 11:39:10 EDT 2014

Hello all,

When considering the INC's proposed internet resolution, I believe that the internet is fast growing toward mobile devices and a resolution to indicate the need for faster and more internet clearly means more towers. It is my opinion that until the Durham County citizens get their imput on safety and property value issues into the Durham UDO WCFs text to assure the intelligent placement of future Durham County towers (an INC resolution that was submitted 2 years ago and is being finalized in the next several months) that the resolution on higher speed internet, as is, in conflict with the resolution to the proposed UDO WCFs text. I would like to see the internet resolution delayed until the UDO WCF's text resolution is completed with planning and elected officials.

Dolly Fehrenbacher

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