[Durham INC] W. Cornwalls Properties Development: Pls stop further 751-type encroachments on Durham's hard-worked sustainable planning

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 4 10:14:14 EDT 2016

Dear Mayor Bell and City Council members, 

Due to other commitments, I am regrettably unable to attend the city council meeting this evening to oppose, in person, the current plans for development by W. Cornwallis Properties.

Given my disillusion and heartbreak over the outcome of the 751 S fiasco, I have not been involved in development issues since.

I thought that the cost of 751 (in time, money and community) would have at least enabled Durham government to close the barn door once the horse got out. Looks like a whole herd of ‘em are coming if we don’t close it soon. And, if we start the process now, we may just have a state-legislature majority that truly believes in grass-roots rights and government on the local level.

If this development is for truly affordable housing, then I could perhaps stomach it, with some binding commitments and alterations to benefit surrounding properties. However, these developers have shown little interest in establishing true affordable housing.

Melissa (Rooney)

RIP Bill Anderson

>> On Apr 4, 2016, at 7:41 AM, don lebkes <dll-sjl at frontier.com <mailto:dll-sjl at frontier.com>> wrote:
>> Good Morning
>> There are many reason for you to attend tonights City Council meeting. 
>> If you are concerned;
>> about massive growth over smart growth, we need growth but let it fit the neighborhoods were it will take place
>> over the fact that the Planning Commissions has twice voted down the foot print of this development, its environmental and traffic issues 
>> of being pushed by a national developer who will take the money and run and Durham citizens will have to pay for more roads, and storm water issues including cleaning the water down stream
>> about those who  try to use 751 techniques to get developments approved(read Indy article 1/19/2011 “HOW MANY WAYS HAS K&L GATES TOUCHED YOU TODAY”) 
>> that the Comprehensive plan calls for good transitions between neighborhoods, compatible neighborhoods, and Low impact development to save  our environment
>> how a  developer gets approval of 4 units per acre and by using credits for land not used actually builds 8 homes per unit next to a neighborhood that  actually has 2 homes per acre
>> how a PDR developmental plan can have so few committed elements leaving a developer to do as they please(within UDO rules) once the zoning is changed
>> the NC Legislature have revoked our rights to file a Protest Petitions  and protect our neighborhoods.
>> In  Durham we are fortunate to have elected official that listen to the concerns of it’s citizens.  Come out tonight 7PM City Hall and with your presents speak to them!
>> Thank you and please pass along to other concerned Durham citizens
>> Don Lebkes
>> Colony Park

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