[Durham INC] DRAFT October mintues

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 26 19:35:59 EDT 2017

October Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
NIS Conference Room, Golden Belt
October 24, 2017

Attending the meeting were:
Colonial Village – Michael Malecek
Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen
Falconbridge – Dick Ford
Forest Hills – Matt McDowell
Lochaven Hills – Keith LePage
Morehead Hill – Rochelle Araujo
Northgate Park – Debra Hawkins
Old North Durham –Peter Katz, John Martin
Old West Durham – Jesus Gutierrez
Trappers Creek / Greymoss – Will Wilson
Trinity Park – Philip Azar
Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell
Watts-Hillandale – Tom Miller
Woodcroft – Jose Sandoval, Scott Carter

Lynwood D. Best – City of Durham, NIS
Michael Stock – Planning Department
Annette Smith – Durham Parks and Recreation; Parks Foundation

Peter Katz called the meeting to order.  Those present introduced themselves.  Philip Azar moved to approve the September minutes, Will Wilson seconded, and it passed.

Susan Sewell distributed the treasurer’s annual report.  The decrease from 2015 to 2016 in income represents a decrease in the amount some neighborhoods paid; about the same number of neighborhoods are represented over the last five years although the exact set of neighborhoods varies.  Dues are due in January.

Michael Stock went over a proposed omnibus package of text changes to UDO; the Planning Department routinely puts together a set of minor “fixes” to the ordinance, some technical, some clarifications, some nerdy (spelling out “evergreen” for example). In general, the changes in such omnibus packages are not big policy changes and should not need big public discussions.  We seem to fiddle with in-fill every year since it is hard to get things right, and this package addresses some low-hanging fruit to help infill. The package is likely get to the Planning Commission in December. Some of the larger changes:

  *   codifying the process for minor plats (subdividing that is not trivial but not worth a whole lot of review)
  *   allowing neighborhood protection overlays to modify parking and loading standards
  *   not requiring an off-street parking space for an accessory dwelling
  *   assuming some on-street parking for single-family or duplex residential (but not eliminating the off-street requirement)
  *   adding flexibility when a change of use requires more general parking or handicapped parking
  *   adding some flexibility in height restriction in the transition (S2) area between design districts and established neighborhoods
  *   allowing density bonuses for developments with only a few affordable units
  *   allowing 100% affordable units in projects outside the Compact Tier
Planning is looking at a major revision around making in-fill easier; ideas include tinier houses on tinier lots, less space for duplexes, and allowing Planned Development Residential with less than 4 acres.  There will be public outreach as Planning gets more concrete proposals.

Committee Reports
The council candidate forum was quieter than mayoral one (60 folks in audience?), and it is still on TV and internet.  Folks felt they really heard the differing voices of the candidates.  Some ideas about what to do in future years include to continue to work with students and possibly others, to have a committee to work on the questions, to have someone to run screening for annoying spectators, and to specify more clearly what is a neighborhood policy question.  Thanks to Jose.

We are working on new website – it needs pictures if you have any.

Neighborhood Reports and Announcements

  *   Duke Belt Line – There was a steering committee meeting last week, and members did get more information. However, a major concern continues to be transparency, with just vague issues surfacing, and lack of clarity as to what will really happen.  One issue is the varying width of right of way.  They may want to reconnect some streams. It just stops at Avondale, although Parks and Recreation is considering a connection from Avondale to the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge Trail; this distance is short but the blocks it goes through would be complicated to get through.  Annette will bring map.
  *   Old West Durham MPO – They are finishing up sharing the MPO draft within the neighborhood.  We will get a presentation, and potentially make a resolution in support.  Most of the neighborhood is happy with it.
  *   Forest Hills – An Atlanta development company is working on a proposal for a 13-acre estate property between Kent and Forest Hills Drive, with maybe 25-30 town houses along the edge, and 20-25 single family houses.  The big house could be left in middle as clubhouse or clubhouse/bed-and-breakfast, or be cut into smaller units.  The neighborhood has concerns about traffic.  The stream would need to be protected.  It would probably be very high end homes given who is involved.
  *   Thursday night is Northgate Park’s FINAL, FANTASTIC, (PH)FANTASMAGORIC FUN FINALE to the 2017 Food Truck Rodeo Series!
  *   Zombie Lurch is happening on Saturday – https://www.facebook.com/Durham-Zombie-Lurch-340170536117357/
  *   The 4th Tuesday in November comes after Thanksgiving, so the November meeting will be on the usual date, but there will be no meeting in December.
  *   Parks – The senior holiday party is December 12th (https://durhamnc.gov/1632/Senior-Holiday-Party).  A new teen initiative #mydurhamnc will be 30-day calendars of programs.  The parade is the first Saturday in December; float applications will be out soon.
  *   Go vote

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