[Durham INC] Don't be the only one of your friends that fails to vote!

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 27 06:50:41 EDT 2018

So far about 42,000 citizens of Durham have voted, including 3300 who came out in the rain yesterday.  The turn-out is especially heavy at South Regional Library.  If you want to look at the detailed statistics: http://www.dcovotes.com/home/showdocument?id=26815

The Board of Elections has been adding staff as needed, especially to reduce the lines for curb-side voting at South Regional Library.  In general, the lines to vote have been short, when there is a line at all, but this will probably change towards the end of next week.

The full early voting schedule is at http://www.dcovotes.com/home/showdocument?id=26112.  Especially note that the Saturday hours are 9-6 today but 8-1 next week.

Advice for avoiding lines and speeding up the process:

  *   The polls are open 7AM to 7 PM on week days, so there are 2 hours at the beginning and end of the day that no-one is thinking about.  In particular, 8AM-9:30AM is light turnout and light outside (an L-squared sweet spot?).
  *   Go to NCCU or Duke (there are designated parking spots for voters).
  *   On the week days, the polling place staff is changing shifts at 1PM so avoid going about 1PM.
  *   The parking lot has sometimes been frustratingly full at South Regional Library.  I think they didn't count on the voter turn-out so library programs + voters made for a very full lot.  There is over-flow parking across the road by the playing fields at Lowes Grove.  Or go when the library is closed or at least when no programs are happening.   South Library calendar: https://durhamcountylibrary.org/calendar/south/
  *    The ballot is long, so it will help if you get your sample ballot from https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/ and mark it so you can just copy your answers.  Married couples can share a booth if they want to -- delays are coming as much from too many people for the booths as much as from getting through check-in, etc.

Please cascade this information to neighborhood list-serves.

Thanks, pat
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