[Durham INC] September INC minutes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 27 06:15:35 EDT 2020

September Delegate Meeting of the InterNeighborhood Council of Durham

Via Zoom

September 22, 2019

Attending the meeting were:


Cross Counties – Pat Carstensen

Falconbridge – Richard Ford

Long Meadow – Pakis Bessias

Morehead Hill – Bruce Mitchell

Northgate Park – Keith Cochran, Debra Hawkins

Trinity Park – Philip Azar

Trappers Creek / Greymoss – Will Wilson

Tuscaloosa-Lakewood – Susan Sewell


Annette Smith – DPR and Durham Parks Foundation

Dan Hickey – City of Durham

President Will Wilson Will Wilson welcomed those present.  Phil Azar moved to approve the minutes, Pakis Bessias seconded, and they passed.

Dan Hickey, Durham Tree Planting Coordinator, gave an update on what is happening with trees in Durham. The emerald ash borer, which kills ash trees, has been here for more or less a decade.  Alex Johnson treated some trees, which was expensive and needed to be done again and again; we quit doing treatments and parks are losing some trees.  We really don’t have a lot of street trees that are ashes, so it is mostly in the parks.  In some parks, there is replanting of trees.  Durham has an on-going street tree inventory; you can go on line to look at Open Tree Map (https://www.opentreemap.org/durhamnctrees/map/ ), which has green blobs for trees and purple dots for future tree spots.  You can filter by species and size so you can see where all the big willow oaks (the ones planted in the 1930s and coming to the end of their life cycles).  The city has big goals in terms of expanding our tree canopy.  Using the mapping tool, we can see where the big deficits are in order to prioritize planting.  There is data behind the purple dots to show what kinds of limitations there might be to planting there (power lines, for example).  The tool will also show ecological benefits like stormwater filtering that the trees are providing.  As you get beyond the center of the city, the inventory is less complete.  Over 16,000 street trees are recorded; it is possible to filter to all those in poor condition and export the data to a spreadsheet to plan resources needed in the future for these trees. Overall about 70% of the trees are in good condition, 18% in fair condition, 3% poor, a few failing.  As a rule of thumb, a city doesn’t want to have more than 20% of its trees of one genus; our percentage of oaks is a little high but should fall over time as we plant other species.

Elections of new officers – We still need a vice-president.  The following officers were re-elected.

Past-President                           Rochelle Araujo           Morehead Hill

President                                   Will Wilson                 Trappers Creek / Greymoss

Sec.                                            Pat Carstensen             Cross Counties

Treas.                                         Susan Sewell               Tuscaloosa-Lakewood

At-large Executive Comm         Don Lebkes                 Colony Park

                         Philip Azar                  Trinity Park

                                                   Tom Miller                  Watts Hospital Hillandale

Merrick Moore neighborhood development – E-mail to the list-serve reported, “Merrick Moore's rezoning case was in special session before the planning commission.   I am happy to say that we received a unanimous no vote on the rezoning request. This case is being forwarded to the city council for review.”

The city passed the Development Agreement way to change zoning passed. The Comprehensive Plan is moving forward but significantly slowed.


There was a discussion of outreach to neighborhoods.

Parks and Recreation will have a new director starting October 5th.  Drive-in movies are happening once a month (free but you need a reservation for a parking spot).  They have been looking into providing supervised space for kids.  It seems most families have figured out a way to get internet service, but still need a place to get away from the house; further planning will depend on what the School Board decides about re-opening schools.   As soon as they hear from lifeguards, they will be opening indoor pools.

National Night Out is going to be virtual on October 6th.

Northgate Park has started food truck rodeo pop-up – a single food truck with pre-order on line and pick-up in the park.

Appendix: Annual Treasurer’s Report

Inter Neighborhood Council

Treasurer's Report

As of Sept 23, 2020


Beginning Balance:       4,884.94


Dues and Donations        730.00

Other Income

TOTAL Income:              730.00


Mailbox Rental 118.2

website/domain fees

listserv fees                      75.00

Thanksgiving in Spring




bank charges                     27.15

TOTAL expenses:           220.35

Ending Balance:           5,394.59

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