[Durham INC] Disabled/high-risk medical voter help today, & tomorrow:

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 2 16:56:09 EST 2020

If you use curbside,

  *   Bring something hard to write on.  What the election folks are offering is pretty floppy.
  *   There is no limit on the number of people in a car, but it may take longer. If there are 4 people in the car, the election person would probably do the whole process for 2 people, and then do the other 2 people.  Of course, most of the precincts are going to have enough staff to get a second person to do the other 2 passengers.
  *   A driver who wants to use curbside needs to attest that they are unable to enter the voting enclosure due to age or physical limits. That said, precincts have mostly accepted being unable to leave the passenger as a reason to use curbside.

From: INC-list <inc-list-bounces at lists.deltaforce.net> on behalf of Debra Hawkins <dhawkins913311 at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 4:34 PM
To: npna at groups.io <npna at groups.io>; 'Colonial Village Durham' <colonial-village-durham at googlegroups.com>; stadium-heights at googlegroups.com <stadium-heights at googlegroups.com>; wmb at yahoogroups.com <wmb at yahoogroups.com>; duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com <duke-homestead at yahoogroups.com>; DukePark at groups.io <DukePark at groups.io>; main at ondna.groups.io <main at ondna.groups.io>; 'downtown listserve' <ABCDdurham at yahoogroups.com>; 'trinity heights neighborhood' <THNA at yahoogroups.com>; trinityparkdurhamnc at groups.io <trinityparkdurhamnc at groups.io>; owdna at googlegroups.com <owdna at googlegroups.com>; inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net <inc-list at lists.deltaforce.net>
Subject: [Durham INC] Disabled/high-risk medical voter help today, & tomorrow:

Hi neighbors, check with website or office as conditions are subject to change, but for any voter with medical concerns (including immune/comorbidity ones for infections (flu, covid-19 etc.) – two helper-based voting options today/tomorrow:

* Today/Monday till 5pm/office closing time, and Tuesday same – a near relative may walk a ballot into the downtown headquarters of the Board of Elections for you, and weather permitting there is an outside tent/table to do so. (or the voter themselves may do this). Social distancing (and staff PPE use) are in place. Call BoE (website URL below) to confirm location for this pathway.

* Tuesday 6:30 Am to 7:30 Pm – all precincts in Durham county/NC DO have operating curbside voting for those with medical conditions that require its use. Social distancing, cleaning, and staff PPE use are in place for this service. Caregiver/Language assistant or Family members are allowed to be driver or present in the vehicle to aid the voter and may also vote through this manner. Up to three voters per vehicle (check ahead as this may have changed due to pandemic) can be accommodated. If you are in a curbside voting space by close of polls you will get to access the curbside service.

Feel free to share (with proviso to always double check with BoE) as wished. Please excuse any duplication of posting or missed updates on details from BoE. Contact info below to verify as you make a plan to vote. Or help someone vote.

Thanks to all who vote! –  (location/contact links follow: )

1. Board of Elections website location & telephone contact page:


2. Polling locations and changes for tomorrow voting day:

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