[Esip-documentation] ACDD open topic: standard_name_vocabulary (please vote!)

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Thu Nov 20 16:22:26 EST 2014

Hi everyone interested in ACDD,

On today's call the standard_name_vocabulary attribute's purpose was questioned. The definition reads: 
> The name and version of the controlled vocabulary from which variable standard names are taken. Example: 'CF Standard Name Table v27'"

The question was asked,  why is this needed, since CF always uses the same vocabulary? (Answer: To specify the version of the CF Standard Name vocabulary that was used.)

The suggestion was made that other vocabularies should be allowed in standard names also, for users who want ACDD without being forced to use CF names. (Recognizing that any non-CF standard_name will make the file non-compliant with CF, which requires names from the CF Standard Names vocabulary.) This change could be represented by adding text after the current definition:
> Using standard_name values that are not from the CF Standard Name Table will make the ACDD file non-compliant with CF.

The lively but abbreviated discussion revolved around whether ACDD targeted CF compliance, and how badly this addition would impact CF compliance and usability.

So we have these options for dealing with the standard_name_vocabulary attribute:

1) Remove it.
2) Make it more specific to versions, e.g., change its definition to "The version of the CF standard names from which variable standard names are taken. Example: v27"
3) Leave it as is.
4) Change its definition to add the text above: "Using standard_name values that are not from the CF Standard Name Table will make the file non-compliant with CF."
5) Add a variable attribute called unique_name, definition "A unique descriptive name for the variable taken from a controlled vocabulary of variable names."  And add a name for its vocabulary. 

I want to see if we can come to resolution without having to talk about it at a meeting, so I'm trying a Doodle poll. Of course you are welcome to comment via this list, but please visit http://doodle.com/9erdnp4ma74aa7ew and show your  preference(s). You can change them if the discussion changes your mind; you can also add comments there at the poll, and I encourage this as a simple way to track the main concerns.

Please vote now (totally easy) so we can zero in quickly on the main options and issues.  Thanks.


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