[Esip-preserve] AGU sessions

Ruth Duerr rduerr at nsidc.org
Wed May 26 11:46:22 EDT 2010

At the last preservation cluster telecon we discussed submitting a preservation related session to this fall's AGU meeting; but did not settle on a topic.  I note that Bruce Wilson is submitting the session below, which I think mostly covers the suite of topics we discussed, though it leaves out mention of identifiers...  Does anyone think that another session should be submitted (or is anyone else working on a session proposal)?  If so, please let the group know.  Session proposals are due tomorrow...


Title:  Enabling Transparency in Science Data: Data Publication, Provenance, Traceability, and Citability  

Bruce Wilson (wilsonbe at ornl.gov), Group Leader, Environmental Data Science and Systems, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Kerstin Lehnert (lehnert at ldeo.columbia.edu) Director, Integrated Earth Data Applications Research Group, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Lisa Raymond (lraymond at whoi.edu) Assistant Library Director, MBLWHOI Library, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jeff Weber (jweber at unidata.ucar.edu) Unidata Program Center, University Corp for Atmospheric Research

Description:  (800 word limit -- lots of room left)

A number of events and publications have highlighted the need for a high degree of transparency and best practices in the publication, management, provenance tracking, traceability and citability of science data generally and Earth Science data in particular.  Further, there have been a number of recent and exciting developments  for handling the provenance of synthesis data sets and improving the ways that data can be cited.  These tools and approaches both increase the transparency of scientific work and improve the analysis of the impact of data sharing.  
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