[Esip-preserve] Doodle poll to set up new times for telecons

Ramdeen, Sarah via Esip-preserve esip-preserve at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Oct 17 15:02:54 EDT 2014

Hello Everyone,

I do apologize for the confusion earlier.  With no call already set up for the new time I think Ruth and I set up dueling calls which was causing some confusion!

Anyway, hopefully we can fix that by setting up a new day and time for the calls.  Please fill out the poll linked below keeping in mind you are selecting a day, time, and week not just a time for November.

Poll for scheduling telecons<http://doodle.com/4kye3nvenwpgg6vw>

Note this does cover the week of thanksgiving, which we can reschedule this month, but keep the dates in mind for recurring meetings.  I tried my best to work around our key players - so hopefully we can find a time that works!


Sarah Ramdeen PhD Student
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina
ramdeen at email.unc.edu<mailto:ramdeen at email.unc.edu>

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