[Esip-preserve] Data Sharing Seminar Series for Societies - Pinnacle Seminar 20 April

Douglas Schuster schuster at ucar.edu
Mon Apr 18 15:37:58 EDT 2022

You are invited to the pinnacle seminar for this series focused on
societies and their communities to develop a better understanding of the
evolving data (and software) sharing research culture.

In this pinnacle seminar we include the seminar series society and
federation collaborators as they participate in three panels:

   1. *B**ring awareness* to scientific societies on how they can help meet
   the aspirations of open and FAIR digital research products and encourage
   the culture of sharing.
   2. Discuss how societies can *provide incentives* for sharing data and
   software through actions such as updates to honor and awards criteria.
   3. Current practices and resources for updating *publication policy and
   author guidelines *around availability statements and citations for data
   and software.

 *Date:* 20 April 2022*, *10am - 12pm ET (1400 - 1600 UTC)

*Title:*  Data Sharing for Societies:  Pinnacle Seminar

To register for the seminar:  https://wesharedata.org/Events/April

 If you have previously registered for the series, you will receive an
email that includes an outlook invite with the zoom link prior to the
event.  A reminder will be sent out on the morning of 20 April  as well.

 Information about the seminar series, recordings of previous events:
https://WeShareData.org <https://wesharedata.org/>

 Archive of all seminars with slides, chat, resources discussed, and link
to recordings: Zenodo Community

 *Questions:  *Contact Shelley Stall, sstall at agu.org

You are welcome to share this invitation with those that will find it

*This series is supported and guided by these collaborating societies and

   - AAAS/Science
   - American Astronomical Society
   - American Chemical Society
   - American Geophysical Union
   - American Meteorological Society, Board on Data Stewardship
   - British Ecological Society
   - Council of Scientific Society Presidents
   - Ecological Society of America
   - Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology
   - Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
   - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

We look forward to seeing you at the next seminar.
Doug Schuster
Chair, AMS Board on Data Stewardship
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