[Esip-preserve] PIDs for instruments and facilities - Aug workshop invitation

Matthew Mayernik mayernik at ucar.edu
Tue May 21 16:48:20 EDT 2024

Hi all,

We are inviting interested individuals to the second workshop for our
NSF-funded project titled “FAIR Facilities and Instruments: Enabling
transparency, reproducibility, and equity through persistent identifiers
<https://ncar.github.io/FAIR-Facilities-Instruments/>”. The workshop will
take place in Tallahassee, FL at the High Field Magnetic Laboratory at
Florida State University, August 20-22, 2024.

The goal of the workshop will be to explore pathways to implementing
persistent identifiers (PIDs) for research facilities and instrumentation
based on next steps identified at our first workshop in Boulder, CO in 2023
(full report here: https://doi.org/10.5065/zgsx-2d06). Questions we hope to
dig into at this second workshop include:


   How can various stakeholders work together to encourage assignment and
   citation of PIDs for research instrumentation?

   How can we ensure various PID systems for research instrumentation
   evolve in a way that enables interoperability, including with regard to
   associated metadata?

   How do we best define and communicate the value of PIDs for research
   instrumentation to various constituencies?

We also have a preliminary high-level agenda
with a few confirmed speakers.

We are able to offer reimbursement for travel for eligible workshop

Please express your interest in attending here:

Best regards,

Matthew Mayernik
Project Scientist & Deputy Library Director
NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO, USA
mayernik at ucar.edu
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