[esip-semantictech] FW: 1st U.S. Semantic Technologies Symposium (US2TS), March 1+2, 2018, Wright State University (call for participation)

Mcgibbney, Lewis J (398M) Lewis.J.Mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov
Sat Dec 2 12:58:08 EST 2017

FYI folks. Numbers are limited to 120, so I would expect this to fill up reasonably quickly.

Dr. Lewis John McGibbney Ph.D., B.Sc.
Data Scientist II

Computer Science for Data Intensive Applications Group (398M)
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology 

4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, California 91109-8099

Mail Stop : 158-256C

Tel:  (+1) (818)-393-7402

Cell: (+1) (626)-487-3476

Fax:  (+1) (818)-393-1190

Email: lewis.j.mcgibbney at jpl.nasa.gov
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2185-928X




 Dare Mighty Things

On 12/2/17, 6:57 AM, "Hitzler, Pascal" <pascal.hitzler at wright.edu> wrote:

    Dear researcher/practitioner of Semantic (Web) Technologies,
    [Management summary - long version below]
    Purpose: To gather the diverse U.S. communities involved in Semantic (Web) Technologies research and applications.
    When and Where: March 1+2, 2018 at Wright State University, Dayton, OH
    More information: http://www.us2ts.org/ (and below).
    Registration: http://www.us2ts.org/posts/registration/ 
    * attendance will be capped at 120. Register early to secure your spot. *
    Confirmed invited speakers/panelists include:
    Chaitan Baru, National Science Foundation
    David Booth, Yosemite Project
    Dan Brickley, Google
    Tim Finin, University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Peter Fox, Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute
    Michael Grüninger, University of Toronto
    Melissa Haendel, Oregon Health & Science University
    Eric Kansa, OpenContext
    Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California
    Werner Kuhn, University of California, Santa Barbara
    Matt Lange, University of California, Davis
    Rob Sanderson, J. Paul Getty Trust
    Philip Schreur, Stanford Library
    Ryan Shaw, University of North Carolina
    Brian Ulicny, Thomson Reuters
    Session Coordinators/advisory board:
    Achille Fukoue, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
    Karl Grossner, World History Center, University of Pittsburgh
    Jim Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    Chris Mungall, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Confirmed Sponsors:
    National Science Foundation
    GE Global Research
    IOS Press
    [Long version]
    Semantic Web is an inherently multi-disciplinary field. The Artificial Intelligence community has contributed much in the way of formal logic and knowledge representation. Similarly, the applied computer science community, along with industry and government agencies, have contributed with application development and testing. With an ever-growing dependence on the web, and the continuously increasing importance of large-scale data sharing, integration, and reuse, natural science researchers, geoscience, biology, library science, health care, the humanities, just to name a few, have also taken an increasing interest in the Semantic Web. Large-scale industrial applications are under way or already deployed.
    Yet, the division between computer science, natural science, and academia/government/industry, has a downside. It limits the formation of a coherent national agenda for exploring emerging trends in Semantic Technologies. What are needed are community consolidation and the building of a U.S.-based community research network.
    The goal of the 1st U.S. Semantic Technologies Symposium is to bring together the U.S. Semantic Web community and begin forming such a research network. We aim to achieve this by supporting communication across disciplinary, organizational, and geographical boundaries. The Symposium will provide a forum by which participants can share information and ideas, coordinate ongoing or planned research activities, foster synthesis and new collaborations, develop community standards, and advance their science and education through communication and the sharing of ideas.
    To this end, the Symposium will be an informal gathering with plenty of time for discussion and breakout sessions. We encourage anyone with an interest in the Semantic Web, regardless of field, to attend.
    The following community leaders will attend and organize sessions at the event:
    Achille Fukoue, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
    Karl Grossner, World History Center, University of Pittsburgh 
    Jim Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
    Chris Mungall, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    Confirmed invited speakers/panelists include:
    Chaitan Baru, National Science Foundation
    David Booth, Yosemite Project
    Dan Brickley, Google
    Tim Finin, University of Maryland Baltimore County
    Peter Fox, Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute
    Michael Grüninger, University of Toronto
    Melissa Haendel, Oregon Health & Science University
    Eric Kansa, OpenContext
    Craig Knoblock, University of Southern California
    Werner Kuhn, University of California, Santa Barbara
    Matt Lange, University of California, Davis
    Rob Sanderson, J. Paul Getty Trust
    Philip Schreur, Stanford Library
    Ryan Shaw, University of North Carolina
    Brian Ulicny, Thomson Reuters
    There will also be opportunities for regular participants to present their work as part of a poster session.
    The meeting website is at http://www.us2ts.org/  
    Registration is open at http://www.us2ts.org/posts/registration/ - attendance will be capped at 120. Register early to secure your spot. 
    If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact the general chair, Pascal Hitzler, at pascal.hitzler at wright.edu 
    Main Organizers:
    Pascal Hitzler, Wright State University (General Chair) 
    Krzysztof Janowicz, University of California, Santa Barbara (Program Chair) 
    Xiaogang Ma, University of Idaho (Sponsorships Chair) 
    Lisa Moriss, Wright State University (Local Arrangements)
    Confirmed Sponsors:
    National Science Foundation
    GE Global Research
    IOS Press
    Dr. Pascal Hitzler                   Data Semantics Laboratory
    NCR Distinguished Professor          Director for Data Science
    Wright State University              http://dssc.cs.wright.edu           
    http://www.pascal-hitzler.de                http://daselab.org
    pascal at pascal-hitzler.de   http://www.semantic-web-journal.net

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