INC NEWS - Sierra Club hike in West Durham (Feb 19 at 1PM)

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Thu Feb 17 09:44:02 EST 2005

Sierra Club hike in West Durham  Saturday, February 19th at 1:00 PM 

Hike starts at Trinity Park park, corner of Watts & Trinity (between Brightleaf Square & Duke's EastCampus)

 Come, just your fellow neighbors for a 4-mile loop starting at Trinity Park to Eugene Brown's
 home on Buchanan across East Campus, up Ninth Street, over to the South Ellerbe Creek Nature
 Area, through the old mill village, to Oval Park.
 From there, we'll walk along the West Ellerbe Trail in 17-acre Urban Nature Reserve, to
 Westover Park, past the NC School of Science & Math, down a mysterious/hidden route, over to 
 Markham Ave, down Watts Street, and back to Trinity Park. 

 You'll see some nature and learn a little Durham history along the way and walk thru some of
 Durham's older neighborhoods to get a better perspective of the depth and character they give
 our city.

 The tour will be narrated. You don't have to register. Parking is avaialable on nearby streets.

 Questions: Janet Hitti (janet.hitti at 

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