INC NEWS - Fw: Skeeter needs our support (medical bills)!

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Thu May 12 10:31:51 EDT 2005

There's always something to do on weekends here in Durham.

But if you've got some time on Saturday, please consider helping out a great 
person who's made a contribution to Durhams musical talent.

Durham has heart because it's the people who have the beat!

Mike Shiflett

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sherry Johnson" <sherryjj at>
To: <sherryjj at>
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 12:26 AM
Subject: Skeeter needs our support (medical bills)!

Please help turn it out for Skeeter this week!  He's had a rough time
of it lately (2 hospital stays) and there are far worse things a $10
cover charge could go to than helping an elderly blind diabetic on
dialysis pay medical bills.

Skeeter Brandon & The Prime Rib Blues Band   (
               Saturday, May 14         9:30pm        $10
All People Grill        6122 Guess Rd, Durham        919-620-9591

Skeeter consistently does great shows and is always a professional and
a gentleman.  He's a treasure and he won't be with us forever.
Let's show this bluesman the respect and appreciation he's earned!

Y'all come git ya some Skeeter!   And please spread the word!
Directions:  Take I-85 to Guess Rd exit.  Travel 6 miles north on
Guess.  Black & white cinderblock building on the right.  (When you
pass North Durham Baptist Church, sloooow down, you're almost there.)

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