INC NEWS - Illegally Posted Signs

Ken Gasch ken.gasch at
Tue Jan 3 09:15:21 EST 2006

This from Frank Duke.  He is our Director at our Planning and Zoning Department.  I paraphrase from a telephone conversation that he and I had earlier this morning.    

Most of our city's illegally posted signs have gone away because he now has a good number of officers to go out and cite violators.  Before, he only had one.  Now, he has seven.  Also, the new UDO allows Zoning to fine violators at $500 per day per sign.  This is the maximum that state law allows.  Last Friday they collected $13,000.00 from one violator alone. 

The following are my thoughts and not Frank's:  Illegally posted signs contribute to blight.  Blight attracts crime.  Also, older neighborhoods need to be able to sell and rent homes.  Without this ability, older neighborhoods loose people and begin to decline.  Keeping illegally posted signs down, levels the playing field.  A small neighborhood realtor can reach buyers more effectively when they don't have to compete with thousands of illegally posted signs that point folks to a new sub division at the out skirts of town.  I am not against new construction.  We need new construction.  I am against unfair trade practices that affect my neighbors.

I am proud of what has been done by Frank and his staff on this issue.  Let's please continue to monitor our city for these violations and help Frank by reporting any that we see.  We can report violations on-line by visiting the following link: 

You can also make zoning reports to Durham OneCall. 560-1200

Please feel free to forward this or any of my post without asking my permission.  

Ken Gasch

  Changes to the Durham Sign Ordinance
  Effective January 1, 2005
  Directional Signs For Sale or Rent of Residential Property - 
  Signs that solely provide directional information regarding the sale or lease of residential property shall be placed no farther than one mile from the project or property for which directions are given.

  (a) The signs contain only directional information and "house for rent", "open house", "new house(s) for sale" or the name of the project. Other information such as the name of a builder or real estate company is prohibited.

  (b) The signs shall be temporary signs on white background, unlit, and limited to 2 square feet per side for a single user. The sign message may be placed on each side of the sign. The signs shall not exceed 4 feet in height and shall not obstruct vision clearances.

  (c) In order to avoid the placement of a series of signs along several miles of roadway, no more than 5 signs shall be allowed per project, or per property when a single dwelling is for sale or rent. Signs shall be placed no farther than one mile from the project or property for which directions are given.

  (d) Each user is allowed only 1 sign per intersection

  (e) Signs for properties for sale or lease shall be removed when a contract is closed on the last property for sale or lease in the project.
  (f) To encourage assistance in compliance with these requirements, the Planning Director, or designee, may notify the Board of Realtors or the Home Builders Association regarding violations of these provisions. 


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