INC NEWS - Panhandling/Jaywalking Discussion

Newman Aguiar newman at
Fri Jan 20 22:22:17 EST 2006


Thank you for creating the Durham Social Issues Corner list.  That was fast.
We didn't even have time to complete our though and we've got a new list.

I hope members of PAC2 and INC who would like to contribute to the
discussion would join the group.  I would like to learn more about poverty
in Durham and its relationship to crime.  Also, I would like to understand
what is already being done about poverty in our area.  What resources are
available?  Who are the people in the know about the subject?  Perhaps, we
could educate each other on the issue and then develop a plan to address
poverty in Durham.

Perhaps, as Lois directed us, we can discuss further our conceptions of
crime and crimes which contribute to poverty.

"One thing which may be overlooked in this discussion is what people
conceive "crime" to be. Probably they are thinking of burglary, robbery,
selling drugs, vandalism and so on - "street crimes".
There are also other crimes which contribute to poverty, such as paying
below the minimum wage, breaking industrial health and safety regulations,
non-payment of taxes; insurance and accounting fraud, price fixing, and
various other dishonest business practices."

Hoping to hear from those interested in this subject on the DSIC list.



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