American LAbor americanlabor at
Thu Feb 2 13:21:39 EST 2006

Forwarded with permission!

This is a great event that Just a Few Friends has responded to in serving the greater need of those who are less fortunate or found themselves needing assistance.

In the past,  MOMart has put on this event for the benefit of Urban Ministries and Domestic Violence organizations.

Please consider coming!

Please consider forwarding!

Please consider supporting!

and please continue to stay involved!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: justafewfriends at 
To: Mike - Hotmail 
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: MOMart 2006 CALL FOR ARTISTS

Hi Mike,

The copy is pasted in below! thanks so much!


January 31, 2006

Dear Artist,

We are writing to announce our call for artists for the 4th annual MOMart sale, hosted by Just a Few Friends, a Durham-based community nonprofit founded to support local artists and to raise money for community charities in need of supplemental funding. This year's recipient is Threshold, an organization that provides psychosocial rehabilitation and services to Durham County adults with severe and persistent mental illness ( 

Many of you receiving this letter have participated in past shows. If this is your first year participating, Welcome. MOMart is a well-attended fundraiser and art show with many eager philanthropists and patrons. It is a two-day event, always the weekend before Mother’s Day (hence the name MOMart—You don’t have to be a mom to sell at our show!). This year’s event will be held on Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6, at the Broad Street Cafe, 1116 Broad Street, Durham ( Friday we will host a preview party, charging patrons $15 at the door (100 percent of the money raised at the door goes to our recipient, Threshold). Artists, of course, do not pay, though we do hope you will invite your friends, families, and patrons to attend. Last year, Whole Foods, Costco, and Fowler’s donated food, and wine and beer were served. It was a smashing success, with the door raising more than $2,000 and our artists selling much of what was on display that night. All day Saturday is an open house that features outdoor arts and crafts such as container gardens, plants, and garden art in addition to the jewelry, paintings, stained glass, photography, textiles, and pottery all of you will be selling. 

If you are participating in the sale this year, here is what we’ll need from you:

1. Confirmation by February 20 that you will be participating. Please email us (justafewfriends at or call (919-489-5888).
2. A rough inventory of items you plan to sell.

3. A brief biography for our Web site (currently under construction) and to be displayed near your work during the event. 
4. If you have digital photographs of your work that we can display on our Web site, we would love to have them. If you would like to submit a photograph of your artwork to be considered for the front of the postcard we send out, please submit it no later than February 15. 
5. We request that artists donate a minimum of 25 percent and up to 100 percent (or any combination you can imagine!) of your sales to this year’s chosen charity. 

Once you have notified us that you plan to participate in the show, we will assign you a unique artist number and send you instructions about how to label your price tags to include your artist number, inventory number, price, and percentage donated.

Please call Tammi Brooks at 919-489-5888 or email her at justafewfriends at if you have any questions or concerns and to confirm your participation this year. 

We look forward to hearing from you!


Katherine Bliss, Elizabeth Mahanna, Christine Cleveland, Mary Scott Campbell Soo, Tammi Brooks, Anne Waller, Thuy Brooks, Pat Saling, Nicole Rider, Esther Quinn, Linda Zier, and Anita Schimizzi
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