INC NEWS - You Are Invited. . . risafoster at
Tue Feb 21 16:16:53 EST 2006

This is an exciting opportunity for the community and our youth, 
and well worth our support and attendance, 
Civil Rights, My Life:
A Youth Produced Multi-Media Program
Linking Durham's Civil Rights Past with 
Present Voices of Durham's Youth
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2006 - 1-2pm
A public presentation will take place at A New Day, at 326 E. Main Street, in Durham.  A New Day is a program of Durham County's Criminal Justice Resource Center. Parking is free.  Call 560-0550 or contact aelliott at 
Civil Rights, My Life features student photography, video, writing, and research related to Durham's civil rights history and the contemporary meaning of civil rights.   The work was created during its eight week Saturday Community Projects Program for middle and high school students and during A New Day's middle school academic program. 
The Project Director, Durham filmmaker and media educator Kenny Dalsheimer,  noted that, "One goal was to demystify the idea that civil rights is about one great leader.  This project was designed around the idea that groups of citizens, including young people, can work together to create social change." 
The Program Director for Durham County's A New Day program is excited by the level of engagement and discussion by the students. Dr. Elliott stated "The first year of this project taught me that being part of a group focused on civil rights with supportive adults and positive peers changes how young people see behaviors such as gangs at school and in our community. Civil Rights history teaches goal setting, non-violence, cooperation, and leadership."  Elliott's goal for A New Day is to apply for and be accepted as a member of Youth Venture, a national leadership and service program that fosters the development of youth leaders.   
Generous support for this project was provided by Trinity Heights Neighborhood Association, along with Durham County and Duke University Giving Project.  This project was also made possible by members of and adult mentors who supported students in the creation of diverse works.  Adults and youth who are interested in creating next year's Civil Rights, My Life project, which begins in September 2006, can contact Amy Elliott or Kenny Dalsheimer for more information, contact Kenny Dalsheimer, 919.599.0684 or thegroove at
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