INC NEWS - Falconbridge TheOcean1 at
Fri Feb 24 12:31:37 EST 2006

Until about two years ago, the neighborhood association list was maintained  
by the City of Durham. That old list needed cleaning up, and INC formed a  
wonderful new relationship with Durham Convention &  Visitors Bureau, as they are 
the recognized masters of database  management.
INC volunteers slowly made corrections to the list, and suggested all  
neighborhood associations update their info with Durham  Convention & Visitors 
Bureau, who provided an email address for  the purpose: _Neighbors at Durham-CVB.com_ 
(mailto:Neighbors at 
And a phone number 680-8328
Due to the City's understandable need for this list, and 20 years of  
maintaining it in cooperation with INC, some City personnel continue to  encourage 
updates to be sent directly to the City of Durham.
_Toya Merritt_ (mailto:Toya.Merritt at  did a  great job, even 
visiting DCVB to help put all concerned on the same page. But  alas, old habits 
die hard. The result is some neighborhoods updating with  the City, others 
updating with DCVB.
If this continues, a complete list may never again be available.
I would encourage the City and DCVB to once again re-visit and hop on the  
same page, then issue an official statement. 
Surely the City's legal requirement to maintain such a list would be  greatly 
enhanced from DCVB's capable effort in assuring it is as up to date as  
Bill Anderson
Immediate Past President INC
In a message dated 2/23/2006 8:39:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
Rkitchin at writes:

Jim Rolls is the correct person to have on the contact list  for our 
association.  I'm the delegate from Falconbridge who attends INC.  

rkitchin at
Rosemarie Kitchin
6702 Glen Forest Drive
Chapel Hill, NC  27517
919/768-0749 home
919/724-3723 cel
919/680-8303 office direct

At work:
Durham Convention &  Visitors Bureau
101 E. Morgan St.
Durham, NC 27701

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