INC NEWS - Meeting reminder -- tomorrow night

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Mon Feb 27 10:20:57 EST 2006

Agenda includes a resolution on panhandling and a presentation on energy 

InterNeighborhood Council of Durham
Monthly meeting on Tuesday February 28, 2006
7-9pm in the Community Room
HERALD-SUN Building (2828 Pickett Road)
Refreshments are provided

Welcome and Introductions (10 min)	    Mike Woodard, President

Discussion Items / Presentations
q Clean Energy (30 minutes)	Judy Kincaid
Ideas for energy efficiency in Durham
q Roadside Solicitation (20 minutes)
See Appendix A for text
q By-laws Change (10 min)
See Appendix B

Updates  (20 min)

q Minutes and Treasurer’s Report
q Public Access to Police Databases
q New Members
q Yard Waste
q Call Tree Volunteers
q Immigrant Needs Video
q Other Updates or New Business

Announcements / Events (5 min)

q Sierra Club Hike in West Durham – March 18,
q Rain Garden Design Workshop – March 4, Museum of Life and Science
q Conjuring Bearden – March 5, Nasher Museum of Art

For additional information, contact Mike Woodard at ????
To update information on your neighborhood, neighbors at or 

"Only in the continuous encounter with other persons, does the person become 
and remain a person.
The place of this encounter is the community"

Appendix A

Whereas, panhandling and solicitation in the public right of way endangers 
public safety;

Whereas, panhandlers and roadside solicitors often are in need of physical 
and mental health services;

Whereas, undocumented cash donations often reduce donations to legitimate 

Whereas, many undocumented cash donations are used to purchase drugs and/or 
alcohol thereby promoting addiction and unhealthy habits;


Whereas, roadside solicitation and panhandling is a public nuisance and 
commonly know as "blight";


The Inter-Neighborhood Council of Durham supports ordinances making begging, 
solicitation campaigns, and sales within the right-of-way unlawful 
throughout the City and County of Durham, NC.


Appendix B
The fiscal year shall run from October 1st through September 30th, and dues 
for the upcoming year shall be due within 90 days of the annual meeting.

The fiscal year shall run from January 1st through December 31st, and dues 
for the upcoming year shall be paid by April 1.

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