INC NEWS - More UDO workshops

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu Mar 2 18:54:34 EST 2006

These aren't at the most convenient times (mid-day and during INC meeting), 
but if you are trying to learn the details (and get a free CD of the UDO 

Regards, pat

The Planning Department and the Durham Environmental Affairs Board are 
sponsoring a workshop to help citizens, property owners and developers 
understand how the UDO works.  The workshop will be focusing on 
environmental protection and UDO.  Anyone is welcome to attend the workshop. 
  No pre-registration is required; you can register at the door the evening 
of the workshop.

UDO Workshop: Environmental Protection
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Committee Room, 2nd Floor City Hall
101 City Hall Plaza

The Planning Department is also sponsoring a workshop to help citizens, 
property owners and developers understand how the UDO works.  The workshop 
will be focusing on the tier specific differences between development 
projects in the suburban and urban tiers.  Anyone is welcome to attend the 
workshop. Parking and seating will be limited and on a first-come, 
first-served basis.  Carpooling is highly recommended.  No pre-registration 
is required; you can register at the door the afternoon of the workshop.

UDO Workshop: The Suburban and Urban Tiers
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Solid Waste Management Auditorium
1833 Camden Avenue

The Solid Waste Management Auditorium is located at 1833 Camden Avenue, 
which is between Midland Terrace and E. Club Boulevard near the I-85 Club 
Boulevard exit.

To learn more information about either, contact Kathleen Snyder, 
919-560-4137 x269 or Kathleen.Snyder at

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