INC NEWS - Beware of Used Homes

Nick Tennyson nick at
Wed Mar 22 13:46:44 EST 2006

Thanks, Ken.


I went through the list of sponsors and identified three to whom I am
sending emails.  It is my impression that the local offices for these
companies are NOT the source of the sponsorship tie (that is happening at a
corporate office level) and NONE of the sponsors are home building companies
that are members of our association.  There are 3 or 4 more with names that
are similar to local companies - but are not those companies.


And except for my use of the phrase "a older home" - man I hate typos - I
appreciate your replying to get that earlier message on the pac2 list.  I
got a notice that my post was rejected because I am not a member.  An older


Nicholas J. Tennyson, Executive Vice President
HBA of Durham, Orange & Chatham Counties
20 W. Colony Place, Suite 180
Durham, NC 27705
P:  (919) 493-8899
F: (919) 490-7963

-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Gasch [mailto:ken.gasch at] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:36 PM
To: Nick Tennyson; pac2 at; inc-list at
Cc: tgarrett at; Manysz at; mcarpenter at;
pwilms at; avinson at; dobro at; frank at
Subject: Re: Beware of Used Homes




Thank you for offering to speak with some of the local sponsors of this web
site.  I agree that there are many positive attributes that can be utilized
to sell new construction.  I also feel as though a community needs news
homes in order to continue positive growth.  


I fully expected that you and your organization would recognize how
inappropriate this particular marketing campaign was.  


I believe that the vast majority of home builders run their businesses in an
extremely professional manner.  This ad damages these builders' reputation
in the market place.  I hope that you and your organization will be
successful in having this ad pulled before it does any permanent damage to
their reputations.


If I may be of any assistance to you or your organization in the future,
please feel free to contact me anytime.


I tip my hat to you,


Ken Gasch

2518 Cascadilla St.

Durham, NC 27704



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Nick Tennyson <mailto:nick at>  

To: 'Ken <mailto:ken.gasch at>  Gasch' ;
pac2 at ; inc-list at 

Cc: tgarrett at ; Manysz at ; mcarpenter at ;
pwilms at ; avinson at ; dobro at ;
frank at 

Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 10:38 AM

Subject: RE: Beware of Used Homes


Thanks, Ken, for sending this to me.  I was not aware of this website and
had not heard the advertising campaign.


Generally speaking, ads that rely on making derogatory claims about a
competitor (or competitive choice, in this case) lose me very quickly.  I
hope people running the campaign will realize that they have plenty to talk
about in a positive way, without resorting to scare tactics.


I am proud of the progress that home construction has made and believe we
have a bright future ahead, as we incorporate updated building technology to
deliver more energy efficient, durable houses.  While assembly requires
dedicated oversight (construction management) the components that are
available today have many advantages over what we formerly had.


None of that makes a older home a bad or a wrong choice.  For those who can
choose to own a home (and more than two thirds of Americans do), choosing
and having something to choose from is one of the keys to making the system
work.  For some people, an established neighborhood and an older home
perfectly meet their needs.  For others, a new home will offer advantages
that simply can't be satisfied by existing inventory - you just can't pick
up that lovely little bungalow from one part of town and put it nearer your
workplace, sadly enough.

So, thanks for pointing this out.  I intend to express my opinion to
sponsors of the site that I recognize - as you no doubt noticed there are
sponsors of this site from Utah, Oregon, and who knows where - and hope you
understand clearly that the opinion expressed about older homes is NOT
reflective of the attitude of our Home Builders Association.


Nicholas J. Tennyson, Executive Vice President

HBA of Durham, Orange & Chatham Counties

20 W. Colony Place, Suite 180

Durham, NC 27705

P:  (919) 493-8899

F: (919) 490-7963



-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Gasch [mailto:ken.gasch at] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:20 AM
To: pac2 at; inc-list at
Cc: tgarrett at; Manysz at; mcarpenter at;
pwilms at; avinson at; dobro at; nick at;
frank at
Subject: Beware of Used Homes


I am offended by an ad that is running on the radio.  Two women are

discussing one woman's recent experience with her purchase of a "used

home".  The woman had pulled back the carpet to reveal a rotting

sub-floor and base boards.  The ad suggests that consumers buy only

new home to keep from inheriting someone else's "hidden" problems. 

Then suggests that consumers go to the following web site:


I appreciate the need for a community to build new homes in order to

grow.  Home builders deserve to profit from selling new homes.  


However, what is the impact of this negative portrayal of "used"

homes, as various groups work to restore our inner city neighborhoods?

 Government agencies, non-profits and community groups rely on the

ability to attract private investment to facilitate revitalization



Both old and new homes can represent an excellent value.  In addition,

people can and do have problems with new houses. 


I do not appreciate the implication that "used" homes are not worth

buying.  I feel older houses can present a wonderful opportunity and

investment.  We will continue to see people moving into Durham, so

there is simply no need to hit below the waist in order to complete

for buyers.  That organization should hire a new ad agency!


Ken Gasch








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