INC NEWS - Concerns about listserve -- response from Susan Kauffman, Trinity Park resident and Duke employee :-)

Susan Kauffman susan.kauffman at
Thu Apr 6 12:07:19 EDT 2006

Hello Serena and all,

I am a resident of Trinity Park. Obviously, I also work at  Duke. Much of
my time is spent with the Office of Community Affairs and the Duke-Durham
Neighborhood Partnership --

My purpose last night was simply to help keep people informed about Duke's
response to the lacrosse situation. The neighborhood listserves are an
effective, rapid means of disseminating information to those who might be
interested. (For example, I did same thing when Duke announced it had
bought Guy Solie's rental houses in order to turn them into owner-occupied
residences.)  I do try to put Duke or the name of a Duke administrator in
the subject line so that it's clear who is sending the message.  I will
work harder on that.

Best wishes,

Susan Kauffman
Director of Special Projects
Office of Public Affairs & Govt. Relations
Box 90028
Duke University
(919) 681-8975

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