Deb Christie dchristie1 at
Thu Apr 6 22:14:11 EDT 2006

Randy -

Rather than reject the cross-post, why not just accept it and invite the 
cross-poster to join the INC list as well?  Or advise them that by 
cross-posting, they are automatically subscribed to the INC list until they 

Just a thought -

Deb Christie
Colony Hill neighborhood

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "RW Pickle" <randy at>
To: <inc-list at>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:59 PM
Subject: INC NEWS - >>> ADMIN SAYS READ <<<

>I am seeing an increasing amout of a problem that is simple for list
> posters to deal with. So I thought I'd take this educational moment to
> mention it.
> The problem is cross-posting. That is when you send an email out to
> multiple lists or list servers. It's not a problem for the poster (if they
> belong to all of the lists), but because people who will respond to the
> post may not belong to all of the lists the poster belongs, it begins to
> drag them across lists when they click the "reply all" link in their
> email.
> I have adopted the policy to reject these cross-posted replies only
> because if the people wanted to be a part of the INC list, they could
> easily join. Perhaps by rejecting the posts, they will. But it causes me
> extra effort in dealing with all of the non-list members cross-posting. I
> do not wish to add them to the INC list because it is an opt-in list and
> that would circumvent that option. So I reject the posts and include a
> message that it was rejected because they are not a member of the INC
> opt-in mailing list.
> So as you send posts out across the great email divide, please be aware
> that a number of people who might read your post on one list, may not be a
> member of another list. And because they will click the "reply all" email
> link, their reply will be sent to all the lists that they are not members
> of. By single list posting, this problem will disappear. You might
> encourage other members of your community join the INC list so their posts
> will not be rejected in the future.
> Sorry if this is a problem for some. But I can assure you it's a bigger
> problem on this end for me.
> List Administrator
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> INC-list mailing list
> INC-list at

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