INC NEWS - cross-posting example

RW Pickle randy at
Thu Apr 6 23:48:41 EDT 2006

I won't pick on the sender as he may have not had a chance to read the
note for the administrator. But his post is a prime example of what causes
the problems. Below you can see to whom his post  was sent:

"'Newman Aguiar'" <newman at> (less)
"'Susan Kauffman'" <susan.kauffman at>
pac2 at
pac3 at
inc-list at
TrinityPark at
DukeDurhamTownGown at

I know the first 2 addressess are on the INC list, I know the inc-list is
the INC list server, but the remaining 4 addresses on this post are to
folks outside the circle of the INC list. I have no idea how many people
are on the other 4 lists, but if we say each one has a couple of hundred
people (that would be 800 people who could do this), the potential for any
number of them to click "reply all" on their email in responding begins
sending people off onto other lists that they do not belong. Hence the
cross-posting problem begins.

I am very proud of the fact, that as I look at the lists where postings
are sent, that INC has their own list server and does not have to rely on
the free lists offered by Yahoo. I think we all should be very proud of
that fact.

Perhaps all of you might consider pushing those on your other lists to
join the INC list. It's not as chatty as the others. But as I mentioned
earlier, it has some good info to keep us all more informed.

27 Beverly

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